4 Critical Signs That Indicate Your Roof Needs Replacement - Writers Evoke
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4 Critical Signs That Indicate Your Roof Needs Replacement

Roof Replacement - 7 Signs That Now Is the Time - Bob Vila
Roof Needs Replacement

Roofs are naturally exposed to changing weather conditions and other problems because of everyday wear and tear. Often, a simple problem leads to another, which leads to the end of its serviceable life.

When such an instance happens, you will need a roof replacement to keep the other parts of your home from getting damaged. However, taking such an incident for granted will lead to bigger expenses and drastic complications down the road. Here are some early tell-tale signs that require you to hire the services of a professional roofers contractor. 

Irreparable Cracks on Your Shingles Leading to a Leaky Roof

Fixing the damaged shingle would require you to go up the rooftop to remedy the condition. In addition, it is tedious to track down where the leak is coming from and look at the roof from where the stains are.

Cracked shingles can be a possible source of the leak. It often poses a problem to the plumbing, roof vents, or the chimney. Hiring a professional to inspect your roofing is the most convenient and less risky option to address the problem.

Tracking the origins of the leak is the hardest part, particularly if you have no experience in roof repairs or replacement. It is best to leave the job to experienced contractors who can quickly pinpoint the issue and get the job done quickly.

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You Have a 20-year-Old and Unmaintained Roofing

Most people who live in old structures do not have the time to inspect and have their roofs maintained for several reasons. While most shingles produced these days are meant to provide longer service, many factors can accelerate its aging.

One problem is if your roof does not have proper ventilation. Inadequate ventilation on the roof deck leads to condensation producing mould spores and damaging the wood. It is one of the reasons why you need to have your roof inspected and maintained.

But if you live in an old house and the previous property owner did not have time to care for their roof, you need to have a roof replacement to ensure it will serve its purpose for a longer time. It is because old roofs are not just prone to leaks; they are also susceptible to problems like failing granules, rotten boards, or damaged gutters.

Extensive Moss Growth that Has Damaged Large Structures

The overgrowth of moss in an unmaintained roof causes moisture retention that can become more than just a cosmetic issue. When you have too much moss on your roof, it prevents sunlight from getting into areas that trap water. Accumulation of water on the roof causes the area to rot quickly.

When the damage is beyond repair, you need to have your roofs replaced. Otherwise, it would lead to a more serious problem. Although brushing mold growth from your roof is possible, it will not prevent the fungi from growing again.

When the shingles are already damaged and extended towards the wood structure, you need to contact a roofing contractor who can work on the affected area. They can also recommend partial replacement of the affected area.

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Modern Group takes care of your roof so you can live your life in peace. They can take care of your house wherever you are – from NSW, QLD, SA, and WA.

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Alison Lurie

Alison Lurie is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves the cake.

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