SEO 101: What Are Backlinks and Why Do They Matter?
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Did you know that the number 1 position in Google gets 33% of the search traffic? And what’s more, your site has the same opportunity to snatch that number 1 spot as any other does.
One surefire way to do this? With excellent backlinks. Having a strong backlink strategy is one of the most important SEO ranking factors that can take your pages from hero to zero.
Find out what backlinks are, how to secure top-quality backlinks, and make link building a part of your overall SEO strategy.
The Ins and Outs of Backlinks
So, before diving into the nitty-gritty of link building, it’s important to have a thorough understanding of what backlinks are and what they are not.
Backlinks aren’t simply any link that you have on your page. They are not internal links to your site.
When one site mentions another site, this is a backlink. If you mention a site on your page, you are creating an outbound link and giving that site a backlink.
If another website mentions and links to your site from one of their pages, you are receiving a backlink.
The ideal situation is to both give and receive a backlink from the same site, creating a kind of communication between your website and another.
Why is this important? Keep reading to find out.
The Importance of Backlinks for Search Engine Optimization
Backlinks are incredibly important for good SEO. Some SEO experts insist that they are the single most important factor of successful SEO.
But why? When you secure good-quality backlinks — mentions and links from high-authority sites back to yours — it’s akin to receiving a vote of confidence. This shows Google and other search engines that your site is trustworthy, as trusted sites support you.
The more high-quality backlinks you have, the more Google will trust your site and the higher you’ll rank. Your website will become more relevant and achieve higher authority and, therefore, rank better.
What Is a Good Quality Backlink, Exactly?
This means that you can just get any site to link back to yours, and you’ll rank, right? Wrong. Google is smart. And it caught on to the fact that people were buying backlinks from any old site.
Nowadays, Google looks for high-quality backlinks.
There are a few key indicators as to what is a good quality backlink. First of all, the site must be relevant. If you have secured backlinks from a gambling site back to your wellness site, for example, this is a low-quality backlink.
Secondly, authority is very important. Is the site a trusted site with high authority and good SEO? These sites should have high authority in your niche, especially.
Anchor text is also important. The text that your site is linked on should be relevant and contain your target keyword.
Lastly, the link should always be a ‘dofollow’ link. If it’s a ‘nofollow’ link, this indicates to search engines that the host site doesn’t trust your site.
Google will evaluate backlinks based on the above factors. If it meets all the criteria, this will boost your rankings and favor in Google’s ‘eyes.’
Using Anchor Text in Your Backlink Strategy
As mentioned above, anchor text is important and should never be overlooked or dismissed in your backlink strategy. Anchor text is the hyperlinked text that is visible to users.
There are a couple of different options for anchor text. You can use an exact match keyword that matches the intent and target of your page. In this case, the anchor text to this page would be ‘backlinks’ or ‘what are backlinks?’
You may choose to use a branded anchor text with your company name. This is especially common when linking to your home page.
Another option is adding in a naked link — the entire URL as the anchor text. This is beneficial in the way that users won’t be able to miss the link.
What Does Successful Link Building Look Like?
Okay, so you know that backlinks are very important for the SEO of your site. But how do you secure good-quality links? It’s not recommended to buy links, as you won’t be able to secure good links, within your niche, from top-quality sites.
Before you search for ‘SEO services near me‘ to help with your link building, check out these tips.
Create link-worthy content
You can collect organic backlinks by simply creating awesome content that sites will naturally want to link to. This is content that is unique and valuable and offers exclusive information.
Guest Blogging
This is one of the most popular link-building strategies. For this, you’ll need to reach out to high-authority sites within your niche with a proposal of creating a post for them that has a link back to your site.
Look for Broken Links
If you come across broken outbound links on trusted, topical websites, then reach out! Send an email or online message that breaks down which links are broken and which pieces of your content or website pages you suggest replacing the broken links.
Reach Out
Simply reach out to top-quality sites and suggest a link swap. You can give and receive a backlink via posts or guest blogging. You may have to send out a lot of emails to make this happen, but it’s worth it!
Secure Backlinks, Improve Rankings
There’s no doubt about it — backlinks are an important SEO ranking factor and should be a fundamental aspect of your SEO strategy. Work to create quality content, reach out to sites in your industry, and get those backlinks working for you!
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