How Having a Mobile App can Help Your Practice

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With overlapping service offerings and a highly competitive market, medical practices are having to find new ways to lure in patients to their practice. The best way to do that is through displaying to potential new patients that your practice will be there for them when they need them. This can come in many forms but one of the most popular ways medical practices have both offered to be more accessible to patients and jump into the 21st century is through offering a mobile app for your patients to download. There are plenty of app developer companies that you can partner with to create the app you are envisioning.
These days, people do not go anywhere without their smartphones. People use their phones for everything – making and consuming media, keeping in touch with friends far away, making dinner reservations, and even handling finances. At first, it might not seem like the type of place a medical practice would live, however, many medical practices now offer mobile apps in conjunction with their services. If you are considering adding a mobile app to your list of service offerings, or are just curious as to how to help you gain and retain patients, keep reading for a breakdown of our top ways having a mobile app can help your practice.
Contact Information
Ensuring you always have your loved one’s medical provider’s contact information on hand is always a must. If you are a family with children, this is especially important. If patients download your app, they can have access to important contact information and your practice’s address right at the touch of finger. Instead of patients or care providers needing to google terms like “Pediatricians Doylestown” to find your practice. In the case of an urgent medical situation, they will have access to the information they need. This would also be very helpful for child care providers. Instead of leaving a note on the fridge with contact information, parents can have baby sitters down their pediatrician’s mobile app.
Online Scheduling
Anyone who works in the service industry knows how much of a headache scheduling appointments can be. The healthcare industry is no different. Instead of investing in extra administration employees, healthcare providers can offer online scheduling on their mobile app. This not only adds convenience to both providers and patients, it ensures that patients can make appointments on their own time, rather than having to call during your regular business hours. Plus, your administration employees will have more time to greet and serve patients that are in-clinic rather than constantly answering the phone.
Medical Resources
As much as we love the internet, it can be notorious ly distrustworthy, especially when it comes to medical care. Instead of allowing your patients to gamble with finding the correct answer to their medical questions, you could give them the resources they need to find evidence-based medical resources right on your mobile app. The best pediatrician will offer these resources all for free and easily accessible. Plus, you can also provide more than just medical resources – you could also include a few of your favorite pieces of advice not necessarily directly tied to medical care. You could include advice on parenting, some fun, healthy recipes, or some suggested activities parents can do with their kids to get them outside and active. You could also include some advice for kids, like how to deal with bullies at school or how to wash their face to avoid acne breakouts.
Overall, having a mobile app for your medical practice is a great idea and can be a great asset to your practice and your patients. Between offering online scheduling, medical resources to answer your patients questions, and online scheduling – there is a lot to love about having a medical mobile app. Your patients will thank you for it. Start looking into how to make this app a reality today.