How Does Header Bidding Work? - Writers Evoke
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How Does Header Bidding Work?

Header Bidding is a foolproof way for coming forth with your advertisement within a worthy price. Broadcasting applications like YouTube and many more are platforms that can help you can reach out to a huge number of people. Hence if your advertisement shows up on the YouTube screen, you definitely have a greater chance of receiving a response. But the obvious question arises as to what is header bidding and how does header bidding work?

Header Bidding is the process through which bid requests are sent off to a number of real-time demand partners. This basically means that through this programmatic auction, the ad impression gets an opportunity to be purchased at the highest bid depending on the intensity of the demand. The process takes place through a series of steps, and they’re as follows:

Header Bidding Solution | Fidelity Media

Wrapper Script Runs: 

This JavaScript script running the header bidding process also manages the header auction together. As soon as the page begins to load this wrapper script is normally called in the header. This is the major reason the name header bidding is given to it. Prebid.js. is the one popularly used.     

Bids get requested: 

This header bidding starts to operate to connect with SSPs, networks, exchanges, etc. Various such demand partners can go forth on these ad request and choose for themselves to bid or not. They also decide on how much to bid on and then get on to wait for a response.

Bids get returned: 

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The wrapper needs to wait for a stipulated time for the bidders to come up with their results. Keep in mind that the entire process just needs a few seconds to complete that is you don’t have to wait for hours for the bidders to respond. If in any case, you have not received any bidding in the predetermined time, then you are to get off from the auction.

Header Auction Completed: 

Immediately as the bids return, they are modified to cater to the given guidelines. Now, these filtered bids are compared so as to select the bid that has the highest CPM and thus has been deemed to win the auction. After this, a particular bid is sent to the ad server.    

Header Bidding Line item chosen: 

Various Header Bidding line item gets set up within the ad server. These are set according to prior choices of prices so that it gets to correspond with the winning CPMs in the previous header auction. The chosen line item is then prepared to be qualified to contend in the next auction of the ad server.

Server Auction is on Run: 

Now, the ad server auction gets to run along with the Header Bidding line item competition, so that one winner gets to represent the winning bid. All the qualified lines contest with each other normally. Header bidding in no way steps back from showing the higher priority lines, i.e. lower priority number.

Ad Server Auction gets completed: 

And then this server auction gets over. So, in this case, what happens the one with the better stops the other. This means if a line item gets a higher priority or higher price, then it stops the winner header bidder from showing also if any dynamic allocation can outdo the winning header bidder then that be the one representing the impression.

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Ad Impression is served: 

At last when the entire process is completed, and the victorious header bidding line or the other is picked out the JavaScript retrieves and goes on to give out the creative to the client.


Through these eight simple, fast and promising process the entire the works are finished, and within just a matter of moments, the client receives a potential advertisement platform.

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