5 Big Benefits of Using IT Support - Writers Evoke

5 Big Benefits of Using IT Support

Benefits of Using IT Support

If you are running a business, you may be considering hiring an IT department for all your network needs. Well, it’s the right time to get in, as the field is expected to grow 11% by 2029, much faster than most occupations.

There’s a good reason for this. The economy, as well as the entire world, are becoming more and more dependent on computers. So it makes sense that we need to take care of the assets that hold all of our most valuable information.

While there are countless benefits to having IT support in your company, let’s talk about a few of the biggest ones.

Reasons For Hiring IT Support #1: Expert Advice

As much as we hate to admit it, we don’t know it all. If we’re trying to run a business, we hire employees for one reason, we can’t do everything ourselves.

While you may know a bit about computers, it really is difficult to stay up to date on the field. The right IT team can give your business the advice it needs to stay up to date and secure in the ever-changing world of computer science.

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Not only do they offer the basic services of fixing your equipment and upgrading software, but they will also offer the invaluable service of consulting your business on its needs, digital hygiene, and best practices.

Having a diverse team with different specialties is always beneficial to any business, and with an increasingly computer-dominated economy, the time to hire computer experts is now.

#2. Faster Response Times

With the right team, you can get around-the-clock access to quick and effective problem solving on your company’s network. Whether it’s your computers, WiFi network, or anything else that needs fixing, an IT team can get it done in no time.

Not only can they solve problems faster, but likely even prevent several problems from occurring in the first place.

#3. Improve Efficiency

Ever hear of a boss who wanted their employees to work less efficiently? Yeah, we haven’t either.

By improving network and computer speeds, regular updates, and malware detection software, your entire staff will be able to work faster and more efficiently, with fewer headaches and disruptions to the workday.

The less time that employees spend trying to fix their computers, waiting on hold with customer support, and other day-to-day tasks, the more time they have to make sales and keep the money flowing.

#4. Stop Wasting Money

Hiring a few employees that have “computer skills” listed on their resume is great, but it doesn’t even compare to having trained experts in the field. When you hire the right IT team, you get your money’s worth.

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Hiring the right team proves to be worth the money, and it isn’t just for handling day-to-day tasks either. Let’s talk about the biggest concern.

#5. Cybersecurity

This is the most important on the list, and it’s only becoming more important by the day. There are over 80,000 cyberattacks a day, topping 30 million a year. If you think your business is safe from that, you may be vulnerable.

If you’ve been following the news at all recently, then you know why cybersecurity is important. After a series of massive cyberattacks that nearly shut down the US economy, you should learn the lesson those companies didn’t.

Having the right IT team will make sure you are up to date on the latest digital security standards, and it will be able to detect a breach in a reasonable amount of time, which is what does the most good in terms of damage control.

If you can prevent a data breach, that’s excellent, but recovering from them is equally as important.

Believe it or not, the average business takes 197 days, more than half a year, to detect a data breach. That’s enough time for thousands of credit cards and other sensitive information to get into the wrong hands. Don’t let that happen to you.

Security breaches are absolutely devastating to a company. Public statements need to be made, large investigations need to take place, and financial losses can be hefty. Any steps you can take to avoid this are worth it.

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When To Get IT Support

If you own a business that relies on computers and other information technology, then the time to get IT support is now. This is especially true if you store personal information protected by HIPAA, consumer financial laws, or any sensitive information in general. This includes credit card information, addresses, social security numbers, and more.

Having the right protocols in place if something goes wrong, having a team of real people there to solve problems as they come up, and having expert consultants at your company’s disposal is a good choice for any business.

Don’t wait for something to go wrong, either. If it does, then it’s already too late. Having people who understand your specific systems and helping to improve them constantly is your best defense, so use it!

Is Hiring IT Support Necessary?

IT support proves to be invaluable to a company’s success, as they are interwoven in the most critical parts of the business. If the heart of your company is on the computer, which is now the case for most businesses, then taking the proper steps toward keeping that heart safe and secure is worth it.

Keep up to date on the latest news that can help your business, and keep looking for new ways to get ahead in this rapidly-evolving business world!

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