6 Effective Ways to Keep Your Bathroom Smelling Fresh - Writers Evoke
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6 Effective Ways to Keep Your Bathroom Smelling Fresh

Effective Ways to Keep Your Bathroom Smelling Fresh

Effective Ways to Keep Your Bathroom Smelling Fresh

People practice all sorts of hacks and tricks to keep their home looking glorious every day. While homeowners put so many efforts to make their homes impressive, all of the trouble stops to matter when their bathrooms don’t smell right. Unpleasant odor of a bathroom can bring embarrassment to anyone. Poor care and lack of preventive steps are a common reason for bathrooms smelling foul. By using the Effective Ways to Keep Your Bathroom Smelling Fresh mentioned in this post, you can save yourself from complaining guests and moments of discomforts.   

1. Using Incense Sticks

Incense sticks are some of the most useful products that you can use in your bathrooms to cut down its odor. They don’t cost much, and you will find endless fragrance options when using them. These mostly are of flowers fragrance, and you can find the naturally made variants of them at most of the stores. The incense sticks come with different options and burning speeds. Keeping the slow-burning incense sticks in your bathroom makes more sense as you may want the fragrance to last for most of the day.

2. Odorized Floor Disinfectant

Your air diffusers and sprays may not reach every corner of your bathroom, but the floor does. Instead of using standard disinfectants on your bathroom floor, it is beneficial that you use odorized floor disinfectants. The fragrance in the chemicals used for cleaning the floor does not cut down its ability to fight the germs, so you can choose one for your bathroom without thinking twice. Such products are abundant in the market.

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3. Changing Towels and Curtains in the Bathroom

If your bathroom smells terrible even after regularly using fragrance in it, then maybe it is the towels and curtains in it that need frequent changes. Although people wash and change the towels often, the same is not with the curtains. So, make sure to get them cleaned soon. It will also be helpful if you get a laundry basket at home instead of dumping your clothes to be washed in an open bucket of your bathroom. Do not forget to change the mopping rag before it starts to smell bad too.  

4. Keeping a Check on the Drains

Keeping a regular check on the drains in your bathroom is what you must do at least weekly. Running hot water through the pipe, or a solution of baking soda and vinegar through it a few times can prevent your drain from clogging. 

At the first time of troubles with a clogged drain or sewer-like smell through the pipes your first google search should be the term ‘plumbers near me.’ Experts are what you need at times. The sooner you get in touch with them regarding such problems; the lesser will be the bills that you will have to spend on getting the problem fixed.   

5. Make Life Easier with Indoor Plants

Green is what that comes to one’s mind when thinking of the word ‘fresh.’ Indoor plants can be the green that your bathroom needs. These plants do not need much sunlight or grow at excessive speeds in your bathrooms. The mere presence of such plants not only makes the air better in the bathroom but also gives it a better look. Money plant and Aloe Vera are some of the most commonly indoor-grown plants that people keep in their homes.

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6. Let Some Air in

People sometimes almost forget that their bathrooms have windows too. The windows in the toilets of some households stay closed for so long that often they even become jammed up there. You must let your bathrooms breathe too, by that we mean you let in some fresh air from time to time. People nowadays even install exhaust fans in their bathrooms that more often than not solved the purpose of getting the fresh air in that space. If you don’t have ventilation, then you may want to keep your windows sometimes.

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These are some of the most effective ways that you can use to keep your bathroom smelling fresh. Poor bathroom smells are persistent if the cause of it is not treated correctly. Give these tips a try, and you might as well fix your bathroom odor issues. 

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