Ayurvedic Treatment for Leucorrhoea in Sydney

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Leucorrhoea in Sydney

Women status was expected to reach new horizons both Socially and Physically with the coming of new millennium but some of the physiological things like Menstruation, Pregnancy, Vaginal Discharges, Recurrent Urinary Infections and other Sexually Transmitted Disorders trouble women making them slow down. Among these problems, abnormal vaginal discharge is the most common factor which creates irritation in women freedom. Get the best ayurvedic treatment in Sydney for women problems. Leucorrhoea in Sydney
-Leucorrhoea is common condition faced by many women across the world, though usually it is not a cause for serious concern, it is better to seek treatment to avoid complications.
-Leucorrhoea is white, greenish or a slightly yellow discharge from the vagina. Almost all women experience vaginal discharge, which is white and odorless, and this is a natural function of the body to maintain a healthy vagina and flush out harmful micro-organisms, but if there is any infection, the discharge changes color.
-Leucorrhoea in pregnancy is common. It is normal in adolescent girls and may sometimes be evident in new born girls too. It may be due to infections from Bacteria, Yeast or other Microorganisms. Sexually Transmitted Diseases like Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia may also cause this condition.
-Common causes like Menstrual Cycle, Emotional Stress, Nutrition status, Pregnancy, Uses of Medication (Including Birth Control Pills and Sex arousal), These all causes affect the Vaginal environment i.e. pH of Vagina (Normal Vaginal pH is between 3.8 to 4.5, within this range, it help to keep Bacterial and Fungal infections at Bay, Lactobacilli Bacteria live in the Vagina and secrets Lactic Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide, which give the Vagina its acidic pH level. Leucorrhoea in Sydney. Vaginal pH level can change throughout person life), You may notice increased Wetness and clear thick discharge around mid -cycle.
– The pH balance of Vagina fluctuates during the cycle and is the least acidic on the days just prior to and during Menstruation. Infection, Therefore, are most common at this time.
-Common Etiological (causative’s) factors are…….
– Infection from Bacteria, Fungi or Parasites like Protozoa
-Early/Young age of Pregnancy
-Spread of infections from Urinary Tract
-Inflammation of Uterus
-Injury to the Vagina, the womb or Cervix
-Allergy or Contact Dermatitis or Uses of contraceptive pills
– Lack of Cleanliness or poor hygienic measures specially during menses
-Diseases like PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), Gonorrhoea, Gout, Typhoid, DM, Mental Anxiety, Displacement of Uterus, Anaemia etc.
Common Symptom’s like ……
Most common Symptoms are Foul Smells from the Vaginal Discharge, but in many conditions, its combined with other symptoms.
– Fatigue, Breathlessness
– Stomach Cramps or Pain, Painful Menstruation, Anaemia
– Headache (Might be prolonged), Giddiness
– Constipation, Anorexia
– Pain in Calves and Lumber Region (Calves region refer to Calf, the back portion of lower leg)
– Itching, Malaise, Pruritus (Uncomfortable Irritating Sensation)
Types of Leucorrhoea
– Generally, there are two type of Leucorrhoea, –
– Physiological Leucorrhoea
-Inflammatory Leucorrhoea
-Physiological Leucorrhoea –
Common in almost every women, and caused by the Natural Defence Mechanism of Vagina to maintain its chemical balance and preserve the flexibility of the vaginal tissue, called Physiological due to the reason that vaginal discharge occurs when oestrogens levels are increased, when vaginal discharge is thin, odorless, clear, mucus like and not subsequently increased in the quantity then it is considered normal and therefore need not to be worried about. Leucorrhoea in Sydney.
– Inflammatory Leucorrhoea –
It happen due to Vaginal Swelling or Congestion inside the Vaginal Mucosa, the affected area very often gives out yellow colored discharged with foul smell, which clearly indicate infection state. This type of Leucorrhoea also include vaginal discharge caused by the Sexually Transmitted Disease and due to post-partum discharge after delivery.
Ayurvedic Concept with Management
In Ayurveda literature, Leucorrhoea is not mentioned as disease entity, however white vaginal discharge is quoted as a symptom in multiple Gynaecological problems, sometimes this symptom is so severe that it overshadows actual disease and women seek for treatment of only this symptom. This condition is called as ‘Sweta Pradar’ described as condition characterized with white vaginal discharge not associated with pain, burning sensation and discomfort, thus it seems to as Leucorrhoea.
-The word ‘Sweta Pradara’ has in described in Brihatrayee i.e Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Astanga Hridya and Astang Sangraha. For the white vaginal discharge, the word Sweta Pradar has described in Shrangadhara Samhita, Bhavprakash, Yoga- Ratnakar,and in commentary on Charaka Samhita by Chakrapani.
-Since ‘Sweta Pradar’ is a symptoms, not a diseases, hence etiopathogenesis of principle disease will be same as leucorrhoea, On the basis of clinical features, its seems to be Kaphaj Disorder of Female Genital Organ, because Kapha Dosha is main causative factor for any discharge, So it said that Kapha aggravated due to its own vitiating factor, produce white and painless vaginal discharge due dominance of its liquid property by vitiating the Rasadhatu(Nutrient Plasma) of reproductive system in the presence of Sweta Pradara, causing factor as excessive coitus, Abortions, Improper mode of Life and Dietetics during menstruation and Ritukala(during menstruation) along with non-cleanliness of vagina.
-In Ayur Healthcare in Parramatta
Qualified and Highly experienced Ayurvedic practitioners in Sydney, the team mainly focus on root cause of the Leucorrhoea by taking Medical History, Mode of Life, and consumption of food habit and recommend test if necessary like Cytological Examination( Per Smear),Cervical Punch Biopsy, Cervical Culture, Haematological Investigation (Hb%, TLC, DLC, ESR etc),Serological Investigation(VDRL, HIV) and Urine Examination – Routine and Microscopic.
– Ayurvedic management is mainly based on Etiopathogenesis and above mentioned Test once confirm the diagnosis, Restoration of Agni( Digestive Fire) in order to cleanse the accumulated Toxins and bring Kapha Dosha in equilibrium state because here is main vitiated dosha is Kapha Dosha, and tone up the muscle of reproductive organ with the help of rejuvenating herbs are considered main principle of treatment through Ayurveda. Leucorrhoea in Sydney
-Ayur Healthcare provide proper screening of patient, personalised herbal medication and therapies which make its path different in management of Leukorrhea. Symptomatic treatment and specific treatment like Oral Medications, Drugs for external and Local uses (Cleanliness) and provide the knowledge of Diet and Lifestyle advice as per disease condition. Important precaution measures should be taken as-
-Avoid Heavy, Oily, Fried, Spicy and Sour Food.
-Tea, Coffee, Alcohol, Aerated Drinks and Non -Vegetarian food should be avoided.
-Increase intake of Fruit, Green Vegetable and Salad
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