What Are the Best De-Addiction Centers in India? - Writers Evoke

What Are the Best De-Addiction Centers in India?

Getting addicted to something is a kind of issue that everyone suffers from. But, most of these addictions, such as addiction to coffee, sugar, sweets, a food item, etc., are not at all dangerous. Being addicted to at least one or two things in life is quite normal.

One doesn’t need to go to a de addiction centre to get rid of these addictions; just a little willpower is enough for removing these addictions from life.

Sometimes, the addiction gets out of hand, and one may require medical assistance to recover correctly, and there are withdrawal symptoms. People are getting into unhealthy behaviors and substance abuse nowadays, especially after the virus breakdown.

Job losses, mental stress, loneliness, and several factors have made people frequently use drugs and other substances. If these addictions aren’t treated immediately, it could lead to dangerous situations and even loss of life in some instances.

Addictions can become dangerous sometimes, and you must get the treatment before it is too late. If you are addicted to any drug or know someone suffering from addiction, the first step is to ask for help from friends and family, then consult a therapist for de-addiction therapy.

India is a place where addictive drugs are banned, but several illegal groups still sell these drugs secretly. A report stated that drug use increased around 30% in India in the last decade—and youngsters being the majority of the users.

The Indian government does campaigns, advertisements, and workshops for making people realize the harmful effects of drug abuse, tobacco, and alcohol.

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If you are looking for a de-addiction center nearby, it will be better to understand the types of treatment they offer and decide whether to get an appointment. The kind of therapy you need, your personal/mental health care options, etc., must be considered while choosing the place of treatment.

Treatments for addictions are never one-size-fits-all; each individual needs personal and customized treatment. You can choose the treatment that works best for you or the person in need of treatment.

The article will list some common addiction treatments provided by rehabilitation centers.


Assisted detox lets you get rid of addictive substances in a safe environment. This is an excellent procedure because substance withdrawal can cause unpleasant or violent physical symptoms. This happens because detox doesn’t treat the underlying behavioral causes of the addiction—this method is usually combined with other therapies.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

CBT is a better treatment tool as it can be used for many different types of addiction, such as alcohol addiction, prescription drug addiction, food addiction, etc. CBT can recognize your unhealthy behavioral patterns and help you learn to recognize triggers and develop coping skills. It can also be combined with therapeutic techniques.

Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)

REBT can help you recognize the negative thoughts and give you ways to fight feelings of self-defeat. REBT aims to help the addict realize that the power of rational thinking lies within yourself and is not related to external conditions or stress makers.

Contingency management (CM)

CM can be utilized to treat several types of addictions, including alcohol, tobacco, and narcotics. CM therapy restores your positive behavior (sobriety maintenance) by providing you with tangible rewards. This way, the treatment will let you successfully fight relapse and other side effects.

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These treatments will help you effectively fight the addictions and recover from them without any issues. Several withdrawal symptoms will affect you during the treatment; the de-addiction center must have the facilities and professional staff to help you recover faster and safely.

Always check the reviews online and your friends or relatives who have already visited these rehabilitation centers before to get an idea about their procedures and quality of treatment.

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