Go Green - Homes that are in touch with nature - Writers Evoke

Go Green – Homes that are in touch with nature

The demand for everything green, healthy, and close to nature is very popular in the real estate scene. There are many apartments for sale in hitech city Hyderabad, and Apartments for sale in Kukatpally , both in the north western part of the city easy to access for people in the IT and ITes sector, that market homes around the green living concept.

This could be attributed to a conscious move towards healthy living, or creating more natural surroundings, or just a need to stay closer to nature. To meet this, real estate is ushering in green concepts by providing 33% green cover, 50% green cover, terrace gardens, greener buildings, cross ventilation, and adding more natural elements to homes.

So, what exactly is a green home?

A green home, contrary to the popular belief that is filled with plants, is a building that uses all environmental resources like power, water, and land available judiciously, through techniques like rain water harvesting, solar powered power supply for common areas lighting and heating solutions, and garbage recycling/composting, sewage treatment for landscaping use, etc.,

Why green homes?

Economics: One of the biggest set back of a green home is the high initial cost as compared to a normal home. However, in the longer run, even considering time value of money, a green building scores higher over a normal building. Heat, Power, can be. It also means using local and indigenous resources for building itself, but majorly it means a fairly self sufficient building in terms of power generation through solar panels and wind power, garbage composting, and water recycling through sewage treatment etc., So, even with high capital costs these building would fetch in the longer run, both in sustainability and economics.

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Environment: Feel good about doing your bit for the environment through a green building concept. Resources are precious, and we ought to treat them like they are. Biodiversity, encouraging mini ecosystems, improving the surrounding air and water quality, generation of lesser wastes, protection of existing and avoiding exploitation of available resources, are all tangible effects of a green home.

Health: Most green building also prescribe the usage of natural, innocuous material, even for the internal construction. Lots of recycled or upcycled materials are employed, which improve air circulation, cross ventilation and overall air quality.

So, is a green home only one that can be constructed to be made green from the scratch?  Probably not. There are a lot of things that can be tweaked and modified in your existing apartment or home that resonate with the idea of green living.

However, when you look at the community as a whole, it can be challenging, because it would require the collective consensus of all stakeholders.
Small things that can turn a home into a green home:

Nurture your green thumb: Tired of the concrete jungle? Why not brighten up you balcony, day, and life with a little terrace garden? Grow them organic, use kitchen waste compost, and employ hydroponics instead of soil to opt for a mess free, more nutritious food. Plus gardening is known to be therapeutic. Vegetables not your game? Grow low maintenance crotons, natural air purifiers, bonsai or flowering plants – not only do they add vibrance to your place, but will also make you feel good.

Get creative: Use anything and everything to grow plants – Tyre, old stools, even that fallen scooter – it adds a quirky touch, and gives a beautiful rustic aesthetic to the home. Use English ivy, or creepers for windows and balconies – they make it look very vintage and cosy. It is now a trend to gift plants for festivals and other functions. Try gifting a small herb garden starter kit instead. Free flavor, fresh ingredients and a friend who’ll thank you for life!. There are Apartments for sale in Kukatpally with all the facilities to create this environment.

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 Rain water harvesting: There are many models of harvesting pits available. If your home or apartment is old, and does not have a pit during the time of construction, get together, decide and zero down on an option that works best. There are some low cost, low maintenance options which work perfectly fine for urban neighborhoods. Conserving a little is better than no conservation at all! With little conscious efforts, you can make your home a green home!

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