8 Proven Heart- Healthy Benefits of Eating Dark Chocolate

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Is Dark Chocolate Good For Your Heart?
When you think of heart-healthy foods, dark chocolate may not make your list right away. But this sweet treat — dark chocolate in particular — has been touted for many years to have health benefits. So is dark chocolate healthy?
If you’re trying to maintain a heart healthy diet, eating sweets is not supportive. But we have some excellent news: It’s a loophole to this theory. It may feel like an indulgent treat, but it has a plethora of health benefits. You may have heard of some of these health benefits, but dark chocolate can offer way more than the essential nutrients publicized. It can be a fantastic tool when consumed in proper moderation. Here, look at some of the best information about this delicious treat. The cocoa in dark chocolate also comprises antioxidants called flavonoids, which may provide various health benefits.
It is High in Vitamins and Minerals
Dark Chocolate includes several vitamins and minerals that can support your health. It contains the following vitamins and minerals in significant concentrations:
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Iron
- Copper
The copper and potassium in dark chocolate help prevent stroke and cardiovascular diseases. The iron in dark chocolate defends against iron deficiency anemia, and the magnesium in chocolate treats avoid type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
Improve Heart Health
9-year research out of Sweden of over 31,000 women found that 1-2 servings per week of dark chocolate cut the risk for heart failure by 1/3. Flavonoids in chocolate raise the flexibility of blood vessels by stimulating nitric oxide production. Fildena 100mg and Super P Force is an excellent remedy to treat heart-related disease in men.
Full of Antioxidants of Dark Chocolate
They commonly found antioxidants in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds — including cocoa beans from which chocolate is processed. It helps fight inflammation and protects our cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Free radicals are products of natural biological processes in our body, such as breathing and breaking down food or origin from an outside source, such as tobacco smoke, toxins, or pollutants. It can damage cells, proteins, and DNA and help trigger diseases.
The body uses antioxidants to lessen or prevent the influences of free radicals. It is decadent with cocoa solids, which contain flavanols. Flavanols are a type of flavonoid — a plant compound with potent disease-fighting antioxidants. The benefits include anti-clotting effects, which are activated within two hours in both sexes and have a more significant impact on men.
It Controls Lower Blood Pressure and Improves Blood Flow
The flavanols in dark chocolate can encourage the endothelium, the wall of arteries, and nitric oxide (NO). One function of NO is to signal the arteries to relax, which lowers blood flow resistance and reduces blood pressure. Several controlled studies show that cocoa and dark chocolate can enhance blood flow and lower blood pressure, though the effects are usually mild. However, one research on people with high blood pressure showed no effect.
Heart Stroke
Research in Germany established that a square of dark chocolate each day decreased blood pressure and lowered the risk of heart attack and stroke by 39 percent.
Balance Cholesterol Level
Yeah, this one is a little surprising. After all, chocolate is rich in saturated fat. But the fat in dark chocolate comes from cocoa butter, which comprises equal amounts of stearic acid, oleic acid, and palmitic acid.
Oleic acid is that heart-healthy monounsaturated fat in olive oil. It saturated it even though stearic acid fat; has been found not to affect the LDL ratio of HDL cholesterol!
Cocoa powder – the essential component in chocolate – has been found to increase HDL (the good) and lower total LDL (the harmful) cholesterol levels in men with already high cholesterol. Thankfully, it can gain the same benefits by eating the actual chocolate bar.
Compounds in dark chocolate boost insulin sensitivity, meaning your body is better able to regulate blood sugar. In one study, eating a small amount of dark chocolate daily for 15 days increased insulin resistance by 50%. (Keep in mind that even the finest dark chocolate DOES include sugar, so you want to keep your portion to about 1 ounce to prevent a spike in blood sugar level.)
Reduce Stress
Eating Dark Chocolate is an excellent way to incorporate more cacao into your diet, which can lower your high blood pressure! I have found flavonoids in dark chocolate produce nitric oxide, which causes blood vessels to relax and lower high blood pressure. As long as you mind the amount you consume and deliberate your intake of fats, calories, and sugars, this chocolate is an excellent way to indulge in a sweet treat without messing up your heart-healthy diet. Vigora 100 and Fildena 50 are both remedies to reduce stress levels in men.
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It Control Blood Sugar Level
Dark Chocolate helps keep your blood vessels healthy, and your blood circulation perfects to protect against type 2 diabetes issues. The flavonoids in this chocolate also help decrease insulin resistance by helping your cells usually function and regain the ability to use your body’s insulin efficiently. It has a low glycemic index related to oatmeal, meaning it won’t cause large spikes in blood sugar levels.
The Bottom Line
Yes, cocoa powder and dark chocolate have health benefits. The study recommends you can get those benefits by consuming 200 milligrams of flavanols every day. If you choose a dark chocolate bar that’s high in flavanols (do your research), be able to get that by eating two small squares. It’s a delightful treat after a meal. Enjoy!