10 Surefire Ways to Make Curriculum Planning Easier for Educators - Writers Evoke

10 Surefire Ways to Make Curriculum Planning Easier for Educators

Curriculum Planning
Educators frequently consider lesson planning a challenging responsibility. How can you make any lesson both engaging and educational for students? The term “curriculum planning” involves several stages and incorporates the real-life implementation of everything taught in the classroom. Experts have also described these stages that include inventing a conceptual framework, designing the academic program, and establishing proper assessment procedures.

Below, we’ll describe some surefire strategies to help teachers properly develop a curriculum for their students. These methods will prove beneficial for teachers who are new to this field since they require immediate guidance on the science of educating students.

Helping teachers design a curriculum effectively

Teaching and designing a curriculum are different commissions that require distinct capabilities. It’s no surprise that curriculum planning constitutes a more challenging responsibility that bewilders educators. Whether you’re reviewing the existing curriculum and attempting to refurbish the syllabus, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps. Now, some teachers find curriculum designing an exciting activity to enjoy. However, some teachers treat it like a necessary evil they have to deal with in school. So, we acknowledge that – even though it’s a time-consuming process – your competency as an educator relies on creating an effective curriculum.

Here are some guaranteed strategies to make a syllabus easily:

1. Enhance your education

Developing an immaculate curriculum requires high-quality education in this domain. So, it’s wise that educators brush up on their skill set and gain an online Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction to learn about syllabus designing academically. This digital course enables educators to create a curriculum aligned with the country’s educational standards.

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That’s how you understand how a classroom’s curriculum is formed. Leverage distance learning and become an expert in curriculum planning in your school. Now, you’re ready to learn other tips.

2. Know your students

We cannot stress this point enough. You can’t teach those whom you don’t know properly. So, explore your students’ interests, capabilities, and academic needs for creating an effective curriculum. It isn’t easy to develop a syllabus for a class you don’t know. Students have different stages of intelligence, and you shouldn’t apply a one-shoe-fits-all approach here. Therefore, get to know your pupils better.

Make your lessons align with students’ preferences. That’s how a curriculum will stay relevant and engaging for them.

3. Focus on delivery

Creating your long-term curriculum isn’t enough if you’re not prepared to deliver it expertly. For this reason, learn how to convey the syllabus to your students. Create engaging contexts before giving lectures to help students easily understand the subject. Besides, schools these days compel educators to establish teaching narratives to set out how to deliver lessons. So, don’t forget that delivery matters as much as the content.

4. Find more resources

Don’t undermine the quality of your curriculum by invoking ad-hoc resources. These resources may pollute the efficacy of your syllabus, thereby causing your students to remain misinformed. So, you should leverage high-quality academic materials and tools to make your lessons more interactive.

More importantly, incorporate audio/visual guides to help students understand certain concepts better. According to various studies, people remember better when they learn through audio and visuals.

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5. Try inquiry-based learning

An educator’s job revolves around empowering students. So, it’s their responsibility to craft the curriculum in such a way that motivates pupils to direct their learning. How is that possible? We suggest you create an inquiry-based learning approach in the classroom. Also, encourage learners to ask questions and cater the course around these queries. It’ll hone your students’ “soft skills,” thereby allowing them to become more open to new ideas/concepts. That’s how you make any curriculum effective.

6. Use spiraling techniques

Students can’t remember every single piece of information. Stats show that students forget 75% of their knowledge in less than a week. So, educators can adopt spiraling techniques that encourage students to revisit their lessons repeatedly.

When persistently exposing students to important information, students can grasp the content easily. You can call it a curriculum-mapping strategy, and it’s helped many amateur educators create effective syllabi for their meager pupils.

7. Research your content

We suggest you research your content and gather all available resources to hone the quality of your lectures. For this purpose, you can utilize templates from reliable online platforms to make your lessons appealing and interesting. Plus, don’t hesitate to cooperate with your colleagues and ask them for help. You may even leverage pre-made lesson plans to make your lectures more effective.

However, stay away from presenting poorly-researched topics before an already misinformed classroom.

8. Don’t expect perfection

Let’s warn you right here that you shouldn’t expect perfection. Remember that curriculum designing is a constantly developing procedure. It’s eventually a matter of trial and error where your strategies may fail for impressing one student while impacting everyone else.

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So, prepare yourself for failure and develop another method to teach your pupils. That’s why we strongly recommend instructors remake the curriculum beforehand.

9. U-turns are allowed

Since you’re not expecting perfection, U-turns are permissible for young teachers. Also, avoid hoping for the finished product to become immaculate on the first attempt. There are always some bugs to figure out and minor details to rectify. Reviews, repeats, and reconsiderations are part of this fragile curriculum development process.

Also, prepare for students’ feedback and evaluation. A teacher should utilize the power of effective communication to remedy any mistake and then improve the curriculum.

10. Make progress visible

Don’t forget to make progress visible to continue motivating students. It shows students how much they’ve covered during your tenure as their instructor. We suggest incorporating innovative elements such as gamification to display this success properly.

What’s more, you can create a data-friendly curriculum – since we’re living in an increasingly data-driven age – to correctly evaluate your progress.


We’ve established that curriculum planning/designing often confuses teachers. For this reason, educators need to learn some effective strategies to create a curriculum properly. They should know their students and focus on delivery while preparing the curriculum. A teacher may even consider pursuing a degree in curriculum planning since it allows them to effectively determine the science behind creating a curriculum.

Moreover, we suggest educators research the content properly before delivering a lecture. Don’t forget that your lessons don’t need to be perfect. You’re allowed to make U-turns and revamp your strategy. It even helps to experiment with different curriculum designing strategies until you find the right one. Also, leverage spiraling techniques and an inquiry-based learning approach to make your students competent.

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