5 Ways COVID has Changed Social Media Engagement - Writers Evoke
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5 Ways COVID has Changed Social Media Engagement

Social Media Engagement

If you went into 2020 thinking that you’d be cutting down on social media this year, then COVID has probably changed that. Thanks to the pandemic, social media has become even more important in our lives and has changed the way we engage on these platforms.

Individuals and businesses alike are noticing shifts in the atmosphere and volume on social media during the pandemic. Here are 5 changes you might have noticed.

Best Time to Post Has Changed During COVID

If you’ve ever noticed that your “likes” and views change based on the time of day you post, you’re not imagining it. Marketers know that timing matters, and they post their content and ads at times when their audience is most active on a given platform.

Prior to COVID, platforms like Facebook and Instagram peaked on Wednesdays around 11 AM. Now, data is showing that people are more active throughout the week on different platforms, increasing the number of windows for optimal posting.

Knowing this can help anyone who wants to get more traffic on their content. Obviously, it matters more for marketers and influencers who make money on social media, but it can apply to anyone!

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Social Media Influencers Using Their Platform to Voice Support & Opinion

In the last few years, we’ve witnessed the rise of influencers, who command a large audience with their niche content and are often compensated by companies to promote products. In 2020, however, they’re going beyond promoting supplements and subscription services. Many influencers are now wielding their platform to support causes and voice their opinions.

Our divisive climate and cross-cultural conversations have spurred up quite a lot this year. While some people don’t approve of influencers getting “political,” it’s important to remember that influencers are their own brand and they have their own personal opinions they may be compelled to share with their followers.

Social & Digital Media Are Changing How Events Are Reported 

Digital media is multifaceted and changing rapidly. Breaking news is available faster than ever on the internet, particularly on social media marketing services. These days, reporting can happen within minutes, both from official news sources and people shooting footage on their phones. Instead of just getting one angle from a local news source, people might get information from eyewitnesses and others who have an opinion on the reporting.

While it’s definitely good to get different perspectives on an event, there is also a lot of confusion that occurs in breaking news on social media. Social media has a tendency to get very divisive, with people putting their own spin on breaking news in order to validate their point of view. That’s why it’s so important for people to be skeptical and to know how to separate fact from opinion.

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Would Tik Tok Be as Popular if We All Weren’t Stuck Inside? 

TikTok is having a major moment, with its 80 million daily users offering all kinds of entertaining and informative video content. But you have to wonder if the app would have become so incredibly popular if we weren’t all stuck inside, staring at the same four walls for months.

The TikTok app has everything that appeals to people on the internet: music, dance, animals, video, and social media features. It’s probably safe to assume that the app would have enjoyed some popularity without COVID, but it might not have experienced the boom that has made it a worldwide cultural phenomenon.

Businesses Supporting & Speaking Out in Ways More Public Than Ever Before

In addition to COVID and the heated political climate in one of the tensest election years ever, human rights issues are coming to the forefront in both national and international discussions. Businesses are beginning to realize that they have to take a stand and support the causes they believe in, even if it results in losing followers and customers.

Consumers want to shop with organizations that share their values, and they expect brands to showcase those values on social media. COVID has us all thinking about what’s most important in life—and that’s been influencing our expectations and engagement on social media.

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