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Eye Choose Unrefined Ways

Eye Choose Unrefined Ways

Eye Choose Unrefined Ways

It’s Revolutionize. It’s a word intended on changing something fundamentally and/or radically. That’s probably what went through Theo Seiler’s head when he pioneered and revolutionized a refractive treatment for eyesight in 1985.  33 years later, this refractive treatment, more commonly known as LASIK, is a global practice with an enormous clientele. Eye Choose Unrefined Ways

So what is LASIK? 

It is a laser eye surgery or laser vision correction, a type of refractive surgery for the correction of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. That sounds really heavy so let’s simplify it. In layman terms, it is a procedure that is undergone when a person suffers from various eye issues that can be corrected by changing the shape of the cornea resulting in better eyesight. 

LASIK has a very large client base with a whopping 96% success rate. Not only that but it guarantees to provide people with a 20/20 vision, something that people strive for on an everyday basis. Even though it’s deemed a surgery, you’re in and out of it in a good 30 minutes, with each eye procedure being as quick as 10 mins or less. Your eyes will start healing rather quickly, in about a day of the surgery, allowing people to attend work or even drive the very next day. While it is a procedure anyone post the age of 18 can undergo, it is advisable that people around the age of 70-80 avoid the same due to the possibility of developing cataract. This coming of age procedure has satisfied up to 30 million clients worldwide as of June 2017. 

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Before you go ahead and book the next LASIK appointment available, let us bring to light the cons as well as the alternatives for this particular procedure. 

While LASIK has a global success rate higher than most other procedures, the fine print may paint a different picture. No procedure comes without certain risks and ill effects. Post the surgery, people can suffer from dry eyes (the most common problem after LASIK). Other problems arising include under-correction, overcorrection and even regression of the eyes that will lead to the client falling back to spectacles for better eyesight and lenses on an everyday basis even with a LASIK procedure. Eye infections are another crucial problem that can be developed post the procedure. A lot of the rectifications for the problems listed above are resorting to spectacles and lenses or even having to undergo a LASIK treatment again.  The cost of a LASIK procedure can range anywhere from ₹5,000 per eye – ₹1,00,000 per eye. The problem faced by many people in India is the lack of proper equipment and minimal quality control and medical safety protocols. A definite eye exam has to be done by the optometrist before carrying on with the treatment. Reports have also suggested that people have started losing their eyesight post the surgery with doctors being baffled as to the lack of a cause for the same.

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Even though LASIK can be a viable solution for many people suffering from eye issues alternative methods can be used to benefit the eyesight of an individual. The perception that natural treatment is worthless as compared to technological advancements is flawed in every way. A more expensive and glorified treatment need not necessarily translate to a better future. 

Eye yoga is a practice that has been overshadowed by technological advancements. It is a simple practice of carrying out good nutrition and exercise to benefit your eyesight to the extent of a LASIK procedure or perhaps even more. An unglorified practice with miraculous guaranteed results. 

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