Transforming the Digital Workplace through Employee Engagement App
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Transforming the Digital Workplace through Employee Engagement App

Employee Engagement App

Employee Engagement App

Concept of Digital Workplace

Employee engagement is a management concept that focuses on empowering employees to create a sense of ownership. This will help motivate employees to perform better. An employee who feels a sense of ownership will accept goals willingly and take on new challenges. This is beneficial for the organization and also for the employee. The need for Employee engagement strategy is more in the digital workplace. Thanks to the quick growth of IT, the digital workplace has become a reality. Employee Engagement App

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A digital workplace is a concept related to the use of technology. It is creating a virtual equivalent to the physical workplace in the organization. It has all the digital programs, platforms, and tools that are used in the organization by employees to make their work easier. According to a study by Deloitte, a digital workplace will offer benefits to the organization like:

  1. It helps to engage with employees keeping them happy and satisfied with the organization. The study found a 20% increase in employee satisfaction through a digital workplace.
  2. This, in turn, leads to employees remaining loyal to the organization. Employee retention can go up by 78% as a result of implementing a digital workplace.
  3. Attracting new talent becomes easier when a digital workplace is implemented.
  4. Productivity within the organization increases as a result of using the tools provided in the digital workplace.
  5. A digital workplace offers tools for communication that are more preferred by employees than conventional e-mail.
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A digital workplace and employee engagement go hand in hand. An employee engagement platform would offer a digital workplace in the organization. One of the best ways to do this is through an employee engagement app.

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Employee Engagement through an App

The usage of mobile phones is common everywhere, including in workplaces. Mobile phones serve as computers having all the features that a computer would. When employees are allowed to use a mobile phone for various work-related activities it helps in increasing the levels of engagement in the organization. A good quality app for engagement would have features that help in employee engagement. These features would include:

  • Two-Way Communication: Communication is the key to success in organizations. More importantly, this should be two-way communication allowing a smooth exchange of information. An app for engagement can allow management to updated employees and notify them of important things. It can also allow employees to interact with each other and communicate. This is a highly beneficial feature in the app.
  • Collaboration between Employees: Collaboration between employees can be improved through exchange of documents. It allows proper work information flow within the organization. An app can allow exchange of documents to be done easily. Apart from information flow, it increases convenience for employees. They can get information on leave status, loan pending payment, and other such details easily just by placing a request through the app.
  • Work Recognition: One of the best ways to engage with employees is to recognize their good work and appreciate them. When this is done in public, it makes achievers happy and motivates others to work equally hard. Work recognition can happen easily through an engagement app. The app can display details of top performers.
  • Reward System: Top performers need not just recognition but also rewards. A reward system based on points that is transparent in nature will help in enhancing employee engagement. Employees can be awarded points for performance and they can use the app to see how many points they earned. They can even redeem points for rewards through the app.
  • Training: Training ensures skill up gradation. It is helpful for an employee’s career. Training is a great way of employee engagement. Training need not be done only through classroom training; it can be done on the digital workplace through an online training platform. Employees can view videos, read text, take up quizzes, and interact with faculties through the app.
  • Work Scheduling: An app can help in work scheduling making things easy for supervisors and employees. When it comes to scheduling shifts and making changes in shifts, things can become complicated. An app can make scheduling and requesting shift changes easy.
  • Surveys: When organizations implement engagement strategies, they need to know how successful it is. They can use this to measure employee satisfaction. Surveys can be conducted through the employee survey app, where employee opinion on engagement measures can be taken. Feedback ratings can be calculated providing valuable feedback to management.
  • Fun Activities: The organization can engage with employees through fun activities like raffles, lucky draw, and contests. This helps in employee engagement and improves the overall work environment.
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Employee engagement through an app will be a successful strategy for organizations. It can truly transform the digital workplace, increase work productivity, improve employee satisfaction, and help the organization achieve its goals.

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