To Buy or To Build? That Is Tthe Question - Writers Evoke
Real Estate

To Buy or To Build? That Is Tthe Question

houses with duplex designs

Real estate and property topics are very tricky, and not many people like to dip their toes in unknown waters. But in Sydney alone, it is growing at an average rate of 1.85% annually, and by 2041 it is predicted to increase by 130,044 people. It has led to an increase in demand for houses with duplex designs. There is a constant debate to either rent or build a house according to necessity, considering the family size. Click here to know more about duplex builders sydney

Buying v/s Building the dream home:

Whether to purchase a home or to build one, that is one constant struggle for people living in Sydney, as both have their respective pros and cons. It is essential to weigh out the two before concluding from this site here

  • It is far more satisfying to sit down with the designer and architect to plan out the entire home, and finally, when the day comes to move in, it feels surreal.
  • There is almost no flexibility in designing the home if bought directly from the real estate agent. Still, on the contrary, if the client decides to develop the plan, they have more flexibility to customise the home as per their wish and needs. For example, if they wish to have duplex designs for their family of five people, that is highly possible. If the family is a nuclear family, a simple single floor home with space for parking underground is a better option.
  • It is easier to move into a bought home almost immediately than building a house which is probably a disadvantage for people eager to move into their new homes. People who are building homes invest in it for their retirement period. They take time and finance, but it is far easier to purchase a home instead, in this case.
  • Legal issues arise when things are not taken care of properly by the real estate agent in Sydney, Melbourne, anywhere for that matter, when an individual is looking into buying a home. This problem does not happen as often when the person invests in building the house from scratch, as they will be involved in every aspect of the building, and they will proofread the contracts.
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Ways to design a home:

If a person decides to invest in the construction of a home that involves duplex designs, the following tips are going to come in handy to make the place look fabulous:

  • Duplex homes are a little tricky to design, but there are easy ways to simplify this complex process. An individual can certainly experiment with the type of layouts of the home; for example, the kitchen is in almost every dwelling is on the ground floor, why not design it to be on the first floor.
  • Experiment with the staircase! Try out crazy staircase ideas such as ones painted with funky colours or keeping it simple and adapting to a soft stone design. Spiral staircases are also these days, which can add a spin to the house, no pun intended!
  • Another beautiful idea that is so in vogue right now is to have an outdoor to indoor connection in between the house space. It adds a chic look to the home and connects people of the family to nature and greenery, more reason to consider it!

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Alison Lurie

Alison Lurie is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves the cake.

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