Dealing With Period of Unemployment: A Guide - Writers Evoke
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Dealing With Period of Unemployment: A Guide

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The fortunes of the global, national, and regional economies can take dips as well as surges. This ultimately can result in job losses, as some businesses can close their doors for good and others cannot afford to pay all their staff. If you’re caught on the wrong end of these trends in job losses, you’ll need to find ways to deal with your sudden joblessness so that you’re able to get back on your feet as soon as possible. This guide is all about that process and what you can do in order to deal with Period of Unemployment if and when it strikes.


If you’re unemployed, you’ll be able to access a safety net provided by the state, in the form of unemployment payments. These are designed to keep you solvent and financially safe in the time it takes for you to get a new job. You’ll need to register at an unemployment office in order to be granted this cash, and these cases can be put before a court at an unemployment hearing. In these cases, you’ll want to find an unemployment attorney Massachusetts to help you win the cash you’re entitled to.

While unemployment payments are small, they will help you to pay for the essentials in life, like food and shelter. It can take many weeks or even months to land a new job in a difficult economic situation, so it’s well worth covering yourself with these payments quickly in order to feel safe and comfortable with a little income coming your way.

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Job Searching

There are always jobs on the market, even in times of economic stress. This will be the case when you’ve been rendered unemployed. You may wish to find a job that’s similar to your old one, which could take months, as it may be a position that is less often vacant than other, low-paying jobs.

As a stopgap in between these jobs, you should also consider taking casual work to bump up your income. Consider the world of the gig economy, for instance, to see if there are jobs as a courier, food delivery driver, or taxi driver. Contact work agencies to find other casual work that’ll help you keep the money coming in during your period of unemployment.


Several studies have found that being unemployed can seriously knock self-esteem. That can mean that the trauma of losing your job is compounded by the unfair sense that you’re worthless or that you don’t deserve to be treated with respect by employers. In the worst cases, these emotions can lead to anxiety and depression.

As such, when you’re unemployed, it’s important to maintain some perspective and to keep your spirits up. Your temporary setback is just that, and it’ll be no time at all until you’re back in a job that you enjoy, and your period of unemployment is at an end. Keep your head up, follow the steps in this article, and you’ll make the most of your period of unemployment.

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If you’re recently unemployed, this article will help you plan your next steps – which will culminate in you getting a new and exciting job.

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