How To Make The Perfect Video For Facebook And Upload It? - Writers Evoke
Digital Marketing

How To Make The Perfect Video For Facebook And Upload It?

Facebook videos have become a popular way for brands such as Capital One to connect with their customers. A person should have a clear understanding of how to make the video? The main motive of the person must be to attract a large audience. There are various tips that a person should keep in mind while creating videos to post on Facebook:

Silent or captioned

  • Make sure that the video you have made has meaning even without the sound. 
  • In general, the video on Facebook plays even if the person has not pressed the play button. 
  • Therefore, even captions must be added to the videos. As the caption will work as the sound of the video, the viewer will be able to understand the video.


  • If you want the viewers to watch the video with interest, just try to make the video eye-catching. 
  • Grabbing the audience can be done by using bold colors and multiple shots and text for displaying the video.
  • With the advancement in technology, people can edit the videos as per the requirement. 
  • However, even a person should shoot short videos so that viewers do not get bored.


  • You might have heard the proverb,” time is equivalent to money.”Nobody wants to waste time. 
  • While creating the videos, make sure that the video is educational, informative, or entertaining. 
  • If the video is of any kind, the person can post it on Facebook.
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Short and sweet

  • As watching the video takes a lot of viewers’ items, it needs to be short. 
  • A person should keep in mind that it needs to be sensitive. Try to keep the video up to 10 seconds to watch the video with entire interest. 
  • If the video belongs, the viewer’s interest will start dropping in the video.

These are some tips that a person should keep in mind if they form the video to upload it on Facebook. Try to make the video keeping in mind the viewers’ interest so that your channel keeps on growing on Facebook.

How to create the videos for Facebook?

The creation of the Facebook video can be done in many ways. First, there are various interfaces through which a person can create the video. Let us discuss the various ways in which a person can create videos.

In shot

In shot is an interface that is considered the easiest way of editing videos. This is the best application that person can use on smartphones. The person has the freedom to use the interface on the smartphone. Even the person can change the timing of the video.


If the person has a phobia of the camera, then the logic application will be the best option. This will help the person in creating the comic strip-style video. After that, the person will have to choose the style and caption of the video accordingly.

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Hyper lapse is an application that has been owned by Instagram. It is the reason that most people prefer to use his application. This is the application that helps record the speedy video by the person. This kind of video provides an eye-catching effect on the viewers. So the viewers start watching the video with total interest.


It is not the case that the whole video starts with moving pictures. The best feature of the vidlab is the slideshow video. This is a process that the person uses for telling the complete story. 

A person can just take multiple photos and then edit them with the help of this application in the form of a video.

Step to be followed while uploading the video

Although the person can upload the video from the mobile phone, desktop uploading is advisable. As through the desktop, the procedure of uploading becomes a bit simpler. However, while uploading the video, the person will have to follow specific steps:

  1. Give it a name: Giving the name to the video is the prime thing that a person should do. Make sure that you add the keyword in the name; this will make the procedure of searching easy for you.
  2. Description:  This is written on the video while uploading it on Facebook. Just write the material so attractive that people are forced to watch the video.
  3. Thumbnail: This is the first thing that comes to the viewers’ notice. Try to go for the customized thumbnail, as this will increase the overall look of the video. The creation of the thumbnail will attract viewers. If the number of viewers does not increase, the viewers can just plan to Buy Facebook Video Views.
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If the person follows these steps to only upload the video, the chances of the video’s success increase. Though Facebook is the best marketing tool but the person will have to work with proper planning.

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Davu Siva

Davu Siva is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Social Media, Paid Advertising, Local Marketing and etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people, App Developers, designers, and bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.

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