Why Clinic Tours Can Help Your Practice
Clinic Tours

In our day and age, it’s customary for shoppers to be allowed to “try before you buy”. This could come in the form of a free trial, test run, or sample. While it is a bit impossible for medical practices to give a free trial of medical care, practices can at least give potential new patients and their families the opportunity to get a feel for your practice before committing to joining it. The same could be said for house hunters in search of a new home or a person taking a car for a test drive before purchasing.
Deciding on a medical care home for yourself or your family is a very big decision and one that many do not take lightly. Allowing patients to see your medical space, meet you and your staff, and get a feel for your office environment can help put patients’ minds at ease that they will be receiving compassionate, in-depth care.
Especially in busy metropolitan areas, patients have a lot of options when it comes to medical care. By offering free clinic tours, you are conveying your practice’s commitment to offering a personal touch. Also, it shows to potential patients that your practice is willing to take time out of your busy schedules to get to know them and take a real, invested interest in their medical care and overall well being. This can be a huge differentiator for your practice when it comes time to choose a medical home. These days, consumers want to be absolutely sure about a purchase before committing to it, especially when it comes to as big a commitment as medical care.
One of the many important tasks expecting parents must do is choose a pediatrician for their upcoming child. Picking a pediatrician that fits a family’s lifestyle and philosophies is the foundation to building a years long relationship between provider and parent. The best pediatrician will offer prenatal visits to their practice offices. During this time, parents can meet their child’s potential pediatrician, see their office space, ask any questions they may have about what their child’s care would look like, and see if there are any specific programs or support groups available through the practice.
Many pediatricians, such as a Salem Pediatrician, offer special programs for new parents and lactation support. While breastfeeding is one of the most natural things mothers and new babies can do, it is still a skill that both mother and child must master for success. Even mothers on their second or third child can experience difficulties they had not before on their previous experiences breastfeeding. Many pediatrician offices have IBCLCs on staff to help mothers reach their feeding goals. IBCLCs are lactation experts and trained to educate and inform mothers on latching, body position, milk storage, and much more.
Finding a doctor and a medical home that patients feel they can trust and count on is one of the most important attributes people look for in a medical practice. Patients need to feel that they can trust their doctors and their supporting staff. Many people have a lot of anxiety about going to the doctor and have a hard time trusting another person with their wellbeing. By allowing people to come tour your facility before committing to joining the practice communicates that your practice is an open space with nothing to hide.
A practice needs a regular influx of new patients to grow and thrive. To do just that, practices need to employ new patient welcoming tactics like tours. Whether you are a pediatrician, a primary care physician, or a neurosurgeon, all kinds of medical professionals can benefit from allowing patients to see your office space beforehand in the form of clinic tours. These tours are a great way for you to differentiate your practice and bring in new patients. Try it for yourself and see the difference it can make in your practice.