Best Vitamins for Arthritis | best medicine or the vitamin supplement

Best Vitamins for Arthritis

Vitamins for Arthritis

Inflammation of one joint or more than one joint is known as Arthritis. With different causes there is arthritis which is of different types ranging of more than 100 types of arthritis. The treatment methods are also different. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The symptoms of arthritis develop at a very later stage in life and but there are chances that arthritis can also occur suddenly at any point of time. Vitamins for Arthritis. It can occur to adults who are at the age of 60 -65 years. But there is no guarantee it can also develop in children’s, teenagers and also young adults whose age is around 30 years. Arthritis is common in women than it is in men. Women are more prone to arthritis. Click here to know more about joint support

Foods to Avoid –

During Arthritis there are certain kinds of food that you should avoid. Most of the time arthritis increases if you take food such as potatoes, rice, tangy substances like pickles, curd, etc. So you should also have control on these types of food items so that your pain doesn’t increases. If you are taking medications then it is advised that you don’t eat the above mentioned food as this may have opposite effect and your medication will not be of any use.

There are various supplements for arthritis and joint pain which are available in the market. Many people take vitamin for arthritis to cure the arthritis. But before you taking any supplement should also see as to how effective these supplements are and what are its benefits and side effects etc. And how can these vitamins help you.

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Fish Oil Supplement –

The best medicine or the vitamin supplement which you can take for arthritis is fish oil capsules. It is the most effective medicine which has been used by the patients and doctors all over and it has helped many people in relieving the pain of arthritis. There is a particular time for taking this medicine. You have to take the fish oil supplement during the night before going to bed everyday and after 6 months you will start noticing the changes. The main cause of arthritis is that we have Synovial fluid also known as synovia between our synovial joints. It is egg white kind of fluid and this fluid helps in the reduction of friction between articular cartilages of synovial joints during movement. When this fluid starts getting dried up or reduced we start having pain in our joints which we call as arthritis. So, fish oil supplements keeps the balance of this synovial fluid maintained, which helps in better movement of the joints.

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Green Tea & Vitamin D supplement –

Along with the arthritis supplements there comes many herbs also which has been found to reduce the pain in arthritis. Omega-3, Glucosamine and chondroitin, along with green tea are few of them. Omega – 3 fatty acids found in shark oil and other sea foods helps in the production of chemicals that controls the inflammation caused by the arthritis. It has been found to be more helpful in rheumatoid arthritis. Glucosamine is another such supplement which helps in keeping the cartilage of the joints very healthy and has anti-inflammatory effects. Vitamin D and green tea supplements have also been found to be very helpful.

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