The reasons why your teen’s life is more stressful than yours. - Writers Evoke

The reasons why your teen’s life is more stressful than yours.

reasons why your teen’s life is more stressful
reasons why your teen’s life is more stressful

Kids get a hard time in every generation and every parent often wonders to themselves why it is that the kids can’t handle the pressure of being a teenager. In your mind, this is the best time of their life and so they shouldn’t have anything to worry about and they should be just going out with their friends and having a good time and enjoying life to the fullest. Every generation of parents thinks exactly the same and they seem to forget all too easily what it is that they went through when they were younger. Due to the technology that is currently available to all children, it has made life in this particular period more difficult than it has ever been.

Children go through many different ups and downs in their daily lives and they have so much to handle that you may not be aware of. They are reluctant to talk to any adults and they really want to talk to their friends who are going through the exact same things. If you are a little bit confused as a parent and you don’t want to be checking your kid into a teenage rehabilitation center, then it is important that you understand why your teenager’s life may be more stressful than yours.

  • Not enough sleep – Children’s body clocks are completely different from yours and they need more sleep and relaxation than you every single night. There have been many studies on this particular subject and it is found that making teenagers start school at the regular time of eight or nine in the morning is not conducive to good learning. Your kids need lots of sleep and it needs to be good quality sleep so that their bodies are able to function properly the next day.
  • Rising hormones & anxiety levels – You as a parent probably find it very difficult to deal with your teenager’s emotions, so you can imagine how they feel inside having to walk around with all of this inside them. They are going to be getting taller, their voices going to change and getting acne is going to change how they look and how they feel. This all leads to anxiety and depression and many teenagers find this very difficult to handle.
  • Everything is decided for them – We as a society have mandated that our children are not adults until they become at least 18 years old. This means that your son or daughter’s life is not their own and all of the important decisions are made for them and they are not really asked for their input at all. This lack of control can lead to high stress and anxiety levels and it’s likely that your child will rebel if you don’t give them some kind of input into their lives.
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These are just three of the reasons why your child’s life is more stressful than yours and there are numerous more. You need to understand as a parent that if you consider your teenager’s feelings more and if you encourage them to create their own expectations then they are more likely to meet them.



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