Why Is Today’s Population at Risk of Developing Deadly Diseases?

Human beings have been fighting deadly diseases for centuries. Since the beginning, science and medicine have evolved immensely to eliminate these illnesses and develop reliable solutions. In the olden times, people died from common diseases like the flu or simply fever because there was no medicinal cure to treat them. In such conditions, the survival rate after developing a deadly disease was close to zero. But advancements in science, technology, and medicine have brought us out of the dark ages and given us the facilities to cure many deadly diseases.
However, even after all such improvements, many diseases still have no cure, such as cancer, diabetes, HIV, etc. In addition, factors like the growing population, environmental pollution, and lack of proper nutrition contribute to the spread of deadly chronic diseases globally. Therefore, it is crucial to learn about different factors in our daily lives that increase the risk of developing a fatal chronic illness.
1. Globalization
While globalization expanded the international market and brought many benefits, public health suffered as a consequence. Globalization allows for trade and travel across borders, which also serves as the worrying source of infectious diseases spreading worldwide with no regard to boundaries. Take the example of Covid-19. If the world were not a global village, the virus would not have spread so rapidly worldwide.
Undeniably, globalization plays a critical role in the vast spread of deadly diseases. For instance, if a new disease or virus emerges in a region given the ease to move freely allows these diseases and viruses to transfer to others quickly. Until every region and country has access to better public health and disease control strategies, infectious diseases will uncontrollably spread worldwide.
2. Work conditions
Although ignored, work conditions serve as a significant source of many deadly diseases for the public. Let us consider an example of laborers working on construction sites. In many construction sites, laborers are at constant risk of asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a dangerous fibrous mineral that occurs naturally in conditions such as those of construction and chemical industries.
Asbestos exposure is the cause of many cancers such as mesothelioma cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and laryngeal cancer. It is a prime example of how unsafe working conditions cause deadly diseases for the workers and the community. Therefore, every state government should make construction work and other labor work safe by introducing preventive measures for the welfare of the masses.
3. Urbanization
City life may seem fast-paced and rapidly developing, but it is highly detrimental to public health. Urbanization is indeed one of the leading causes of the rapid spread of infectious diseases due to substandard housing conditions of the public and dense population. On top of that, rising pollution, poor sanitation, and land and water contamination give rise to many other deadly diseases.
As a result, more people are susceptible to developing heart diseases, respiratory diseases, lung cancer, diarrheal diseases, etc. The solution for this problem is to introduce green living in cities to reduce pollution and contamination. In addition, different steps to educate the population about public health can also help control the rising graph of deadly diseases in urban areas.
4. Poor nutrition
Today, many people are habitual of a diet full of processed foods or take-out from fast-food chains. Such an unhealthy diet leads to a drastic decline in the body’s nutritional levels, breeding grounds for deadly diseases. Poor nutrition is when the body is unable to absorb necessary nutrients from different food sources. And mind you, these sources have to be organic, fresh produce, not snacks or fast food. Eventually, it can lead to many diseases such as defective bone growth, low immunity, digestion problems, skin disorders, etc.
On the other hand, overeating can lead to conditions such as obesity. Similarly, improper food consumption leads to high cholesterol, blood pressure problems, heart conditions, diabetes, etc. Hence, the ultimate goal should be to attain proper nutrition by ensuring a balanced diet.
5. Tobacco use
People often tend to take up smoking to reduce stress and relax their minds. But this activity has severe consequences for our health. Smoking tobacco causes damage to your lungs, developing into deadly diseases such as lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, etc. Smoking also increases the risks for heart diseases which can lead to heart attacks or strokes. Tobacco also causes the development of mouth cancer, leukemia, and pneumonia. When there are so many harmful effects of using a substance, the minor benefits like relaxation do not justify its usage.
Additionally, passive smoking can also pose to be a threat to people’s health and wellbeing. Therefore, it is evident that tobacco is harmful to you and everyone around you. To reduce the risks of developing diseases from tobacco usage, public health workers should educate the population about the deteriorating effects of smoking. You can also avoid a person who smokes by removing yourself from their vicinity. If you smoke, try nicotine replacements in the form of patches or chewing gums. You can also try practicing relaxation techniques and avoid triggers.
Today’s population is at an unprecedented high risk of deadly diseases because the population is rapidly increasing, and limited healthcare facilities cannot suffice the demand. As more people populate towns and cities, pollution increases, and so do the chances of developing various diseases. To reduce the hiking graphs, the government must improve sanitation and reduce pollution in cities. Educating the public about their health, setting up recovery programs, and practicing preventive measures can also control the chances of suffering from various deadly diseases.
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