How to Increase Opt In Rate - Writers Evoke

How to Increase Opt In Rate

What is Opt-In?

            Opt-in is the practice of signing up for email from companies that you want more information from. Companies are always looking for ways to get more people to opt-in into their emails. The more people that opt-in to email information, the better chance they have to win over a new customer. Companies measure their advertising success by how many new people that they can have opt-in to their email.

             There are many ways to get people to opt-in to your email and bring in more customers to your business. You can look at sites like to get more information about what it means to get more opt-in emails for your business. They have more ideas on how to make it a successful venture for your business.

                This article will share with you some of the best tips for getting people to opt-in to your email. These suggestions were made by successful entrepreneurs who have high opt-in rates for their email. You can take these suggestions and then add some of your own to make opt-ins work for you.


  1. Change Your Homepage to a Landing Page

A homepage might have all sorts of information on it to get people to want to view your page. A landing page is just a page that you land on to get onto an email list. You want the first page that customers see to be the landing page. You do not want very much information on that page, just your invitation to be a part of your mailing list. By doing this, you will have an increase in the number of people who sign up for the mailing list.  

  • Include Pop-ups on Every Page
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Pop-ups are still a very viable way to attract customers to what you have to offer. Do not be afraid to use them. They are still around for a reason – they continue to work for businesses. A pop-up might be a great place to put your email opt-in so that it attracts the attention of people who are viewing your website.

  • Exit-Intent Choices

When the customer is deciding to leave your website, try one more time to grab their attention. You can do this by adding a page that gives exit-intent choices. Although you may lose the customer anyway, a choice on the way out may get them to engage. Have a choice on the way out that relates to your webpage. For example, if you are trying to sell weight loss products, you might ask “how much weight do you want to lose?” Having an exit-intent choice could keep people on your website just a little longer and you may even gain a customer.

  •  Welcome Mat

A welcome mat is a pop-up ad that shows up when a potential customer first lands on your page. It can be a potential landing page if it works well, but it can also be a part of every page on your site. This can be an offer for a freebie from your page, or at least a good discount for some of your merchandise. You can learn more about welcome mats here: This is just another way to get people to opt-in to your email list.

  • Use Color for Your Sign-Up Button

You want people to see your sign-up button for your email list so make sure that it is colorful for them. Do not use dull colors that fade into the background, use colors that stand out and are noticeable. You also do not want a color that is the dominant color on your page for your button, again, you want the button to stand out from the rest of the page.

  • Use a Changing Button
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Another hint is to make your opt-in button change as the customers interact with it. You might have the button change colors as the cursor slides over it, or make it jump or pop out. Anything that will get the attention of the potential customers is a good thing. Some businesses have reported an increase of more than forty percent when they added a changing button to their page.

  • Do Not Require Too Much Information on the Opt-In Button

If you require too much information on the opt-in button, those potential customers might just click away from your site. You want them to stay engaged, so make the opt-in button to be simple and straightforward. The fewer questions that you ask on the button, the more likely the customer will fill out the form. If you need more information, you could always ask for it at a later date.

  • Encourage Sharing

You want people to share your emails so that you can spread the word about your company further. This does not happen as much as it used to when everyone was forwarding emails to all their friends. You want to encourage the people who do sign up for your emails to share with all their friends. Do something to make it easier to share with just a simple button that allows them to share your message on social media. 

  • Add an Image

Studies have shown that people are more likely to interact with the sign-up page if it has an image on it. It could be a simple picture of you or something that your company does. If you sell toys, put a picture of your most popular toy, for example. Here is a page where you can get royalty-free images for your site if you choose. You want to keep the attention of the people who click on your site and adding even a small image on it can mean a higher opt-in rate.

  1. Add Testimonials
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Add testimonials to your page in a prominent place so everyone can see them once they click onto your page. Everyone likes to read a good testimonial and those testimonials can bring you more customers, especially if they are engaging. You want to be sure that the testimonials are in a very noticeable place on your page.

These are just a few hints to increase opt-ins on your page to help you to gain new customers. There are more hints if you just look for them, but these are enough to get you started. Try some of these hints and you can increase your opt-ins by a significant amount.

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Davu Siva

Davu Siva is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Social Media, Paid Advertising, Local Marketing and etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people, App Developers, designers, and bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.

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