The Symptoms of Ninth month pregnant - Writers Evoke

The Symptoms of Ninth month pregnant

Hoera! This is the last month of your pregnancy (Ninth month pregnant), your baby may be born any time. Most women give birth sometime between weeks 38 and 42; only one in twenty babies is born exactly on the due day. 

Monthly Pregnancy Symptoms: Ninth month pregnant

In the last month of your pregnancy, you may have the following common pregnancy symptoms: 

  • Urinating more often 
  • Mucus plug that comes loose 
  • More vaginal discharge
  • Backache
  • Itchy skin
  • Press your pelvis
  • Leaking breasts
  • More hair growth on your face
  • Your baby descends, allowing you to breathe more easily
  • Less movement in your stomach 

Ninth month pregnant: Changes Inside and Out 

Ninth month pregnant
Ninth month pregnant

Your Baby’s Development: Your baby’s lungs continue to develop through birth to fully prepare for that first breath and cry. You will be amazed at how much noise such a small one can make. 

In the last month of pregnancy, your baby should lie with her head down. If he lies with her feet or buttocks down, we call this a breech presentation. Your doctor may then decide to turn her over in the womb or offer you a caesarean section. Changes in your body: You are heavy, tired and impatient and you are probably even restless when you are sitting or lying down – nothing is more comfortable. Now that your body is getting ready for birth, some women suddenly regain some energy.

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The only advantage is that now that your baby is descending, less weight is on your lungs, making it easier for you to breathe (although you may feel more pressure on your bladder now). 

When to give birth 

If you feel cramps or contractions this month, pay attention to the difference between practice contractions and real contractions. Write down the amount of time between contractions so you know if they are regular and are getting closer together. If you think you are going to give birth, call your healthcare provider or midwife and discuss your symptoms

If your baby has not been born in week 40 , your midwife will keep a close eye on you in weeks 41 and 42. You may discuss whether and when the birth will be initiated. If the baby is not born at the end of week 42, you will most likely be induced to reduce any risk. 

Ninth month pregnant: checklist 

  • Arrange childcare: You may need childcare as soon as your little one arrives. For example, short-term care for your older children, if there are any, or long-term care for when your baby is a bit older. 
  • Final preparations: When you are nine months pregnant, you can develop a nesting urge – the need to get your house in order before your baby and parenting comes. Use this extra energy to make some last-minute preparations in the last days and weeks of your pregnancy, such as tidying up and cleaning, cooking and freezing extra meals, or stocking up on all your nursery supplies (like diapers ).
  • Schedule Visit and Birth Announcement: Whether you are giving birth at home or in the hospital, think carefully about who you want to see immediately after giving birth and how you will interact with anyone who offers to help and visit. You have plenty to do after delivery, so start thinking now about how you want to tell friends and family that your little one is here.
  • The Right Baby Name : If you haven’t found the perfect baby name yet, or have last minute doubts about a name you’ve already chosen, try the Pampers Baby Name Tool to find a name that’s right. ● Sleep: Put all those checklists aside and sleep as much as possible. Treat yourself! It may take a while before you have time for yourself again, so schedule a pedicure or foot massage, watch a movie, or spend some time with your partner, friends and family. Enjoy these last “baby-free” days.
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