Increase Curb Appeal With These 4 Creative Landscaping Solutions - Writers Evoke
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Increase Curb Appeal With These 4 Creative Landscaping Solutions

Increase Curb Appeal With These 4 Creative Landscaping Solutions
Increase Curb Appeal With These 4 Creative Landscaping Solutions

A house is a reflection of the people who live in it. If you’ve never thought about dressing up your home’s exterior, you’re missing out on a great opportunity to add a touch of flair and personality. Here are four landscaping ideas to help increase your home’s curb appeal.

Highlight with Landscape Lighting

When it comes to drawing the eye, nothing beats a well-placed spotlight. With outdoor LED lighting, you can place the spotlight directly on your home. Light up the hard work you’ve put into your flower beds with thoughtfully placed landscape lighting, highlight interesting design features of your home with sconces, and light up walkways with lights that nest close to the ground. From simple solar lights to expansive LED systems that can be controlled with your mobile phone, there are lighting options to fit every style and budget. Place these lights strategically around your home and enjoy the positive attention your home will quickly draw. 

Create a Welcoming Walkway

A clear path to the front door is both visually appealing and provides a structure to balance plants against. A walkway can also accentuate the architecture and style of your home. Solid stone pavers can enhance the feel of grounded stability for brick houses, while natural cut pavers can add charm to country cottages. If you prefer to take the DIY approach to landscape design, here’s a tip: make sure that visitors to your home can follow the full path to your front door with their eyes. Don’t be afraid to make interesting design choices with your path, especially if you want to show off a front garden, but be sure that plants and curves don’t interfere with the walkway’s eye trace. Being able to follow the path to the front door creates an open and inviting feel for visitors and helps create the feel of a seamless transition from outside to inside.

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Plan for Every Season 

It can be tempting to load up your cart at the garden center with plants full of pretty flowers and interesting foliage. One of the best things you can do when planting to increase your curb appeal, however, is to think about how all of your plants will work together as the seasons change. Ideally, you want to plant a garden that sparks interest year-round. If you live in a snowy climate, then shrubs and evergreens are a great way to add life to a white landscape. It will take some strategizing to build your flower beds and gardens to be interesting no matter the season, but the end product will be well worth it. 

Add Flair With Unique Objects

Creating a physical centerpiece of your gardens can be a great way to draw the eye and add character and personality to your home. Statues are a go-to, but there are many unique items that can be used as centerpieces and might fit your aesthetic better. Old-fashioned wagon wheels and antique farm equipment can link the interior design to the outside for those who prefer the classic farmhouse approach. Need a cute place to plant your annuals? A clawfoot tub can find new life as a wonderful garden planter. Unique objects can add charm and personality to your home’s exterior design. Keep an open mind as you peruse shops, and don’t be afraid to stand out with a one-of-the-kind garden ornament. 

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Small things can have a big impact on your home’s value and visual appeal. Try a few of our simple suggestions and your home will soon be the talk of the street.

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