How to Make Your Website Convert More Clients? - Writers Evoke

How to Make Your Website Convert More Clients?

Make Your Website Convert More Clients

With the help of your website, you can now reach a wider audience and generate more sales. Your business is only as good as its marketing, which means that your site needs to be able to convert visitors into clients. There are many ways in which this can happen: design, layout, structure, and content. Keep reading for some helpful tips on how to make your website convert more clients!

  • Make your website visually appealing: The attention span of people has been steadily decreasing over the last few years, and it has become increasingly difficult to get a person’s attention when they are browsing online. This is why websites need to be visually appealing, with appropriate images that will draw in visitors.

So try to use a decent theme with images that are relevant to your products or services. Also, consider using animation in the background of your website but ensure it doesn’t affect the page loading speed.

  • Make your website easy to navigate:

This is the most important thing for a successful conversion rate. Your visitors can’t find what they’re looking for on your site if there are too many clicks and scrolling involved, so it’s usually best to make navigation as simple as possible. For example, you could place a menu bar at the top of each page with links that point back to other pages within your website or which allow them to search through products/services by type, price range, etc.

Another idea would be drop-down menus – these are really popular right now because they work well on smartphones and tablets where screen size limitations exist. If you want something different from this, try using tabs at the side of the browser window rather than the top or the bottom.

  • Write an attention-grabbing headline: Headlines matter most of all, and it’s better if they are short, to the point, and include keywords that will interest readers. You can either use a question to generate curiosity, such as “How can I start my own business?”, or you could use an attention-grabbing statement like “Want more customers? Learn how to do it now!”
  • Be strategic with your content:

Even if your content is well written and contains compelling information, it’s not going to do you any good without the right keywords. It can be tempting to pack in a lot of detail and leave out essential keywords for SEO purposes, but this will only confuse readers and affect how they respond to your site.

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  • The style of your content is important: The way that you present information can either promote reading or drive readers away. When it comes to the long-form copy on your website, there are a number of things that will affect how someone reacts to it: length, tone, and readability.
  • Aim for an appropriate word count: Don’t use words longer than 2000 words if possible, as this gives visitors more time to absorb the contents without getting bored and distracted with other items on their screen. Use language that’s easy to understand so people don’t get stuck trying to figure out what certain points mean – remember, many visitors may not be native English speakers!
  • Use bullet points:

Bullet points make everything easy for people to read – you can use them as a way of adding more information or creating break-points in your posts so that visitors don’t get overwhelmed with too much text on one page.

  • Catchy call-to-action buttons: These should be placed at strategic places throughout your site like near contact details (addresses/phone numbers), product pages, services offered, etc. They may also say “contact us” or something similar depending on what purpose they serve, e.g., sign up for our newsletter!
  • Create eBooks: One way in which you can drive more traffic to your site is by creating ebooks and offering them for free. When people are looking for information on a particular topic, they often find it online before picking up the phone or emailing someone to get help. It’s just so much easier than having to search through piles of books at home or go into an actual bookstore!
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But when they do find what they’re looking for online, there’s always something that will catch their eye: whether it be ads, banners, links…something. So why not create an eBook about your business and give it away as a lead-generating tool? You can easily find guides on how to sell ebooks on website, so make sure you give it a try.

  • Use social media to increase brand awareness:

Social media has become a great channel for businesses to connect with an audience and promote their products/services. To increase brand awareness, consider setting up accounts on all the major social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

You can also share your posts on these platforms, which will lead to increased exposure of what you do! Additionally, you can collect email addresses in exchange for exclusive offers such as discounts or free downloads. You can use these emails for reaching out to them and sending them other offers in the future.

  • Use a blog:

 Blogging is another way in which you could create content that builds trust between yourself and potential clients – it helps them see who you are and why they should use your services. It also highlights how much knowledge or experience you have in particular industries, so people will know where exactly they need help from someone else if they want something more specific (e.g., web design).

And finally, blogging has been shown by several studies to be an effective way in which you can generate leads. You may not want a blog solely for marketing purposes because they take up a lot of time and energy, but if it’s something that appeals to you or your company, then go ahead! But don’t forget about the other ways in which blogging is beneficial too.

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Attracting clients through the website can seem difficult to achieve, but it isn’t impossible. With these tips, you should be able to improve the conversion rate of your website.

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