Improve Your Mental Health at Work With These 6 Midday Break Ideas

Improve Your Mental Health at Work With These 6 Midday Break Ideas

Improve Your Mental Health at Work

Taking a well-deserved break at work is a way to be more productive later on in the day. It is something that should never be sacrificed because it will lead to burnout. Burnout is a real condition and we should take an active part in avoiding it. Improve Your Mental Health at Work

A mental break is required during our day to stop, breathe in, change our focus and relax a bit. Working without any break won’t make you more productive. It will wear down your focus and decrease your efficiency. We’ve listed some of the midday break ideas you can try on your next workday.

Start by taking your lunch break

This is the first thing people sacrifice once they start their careers. Skipping meals is not good for your productivity, energy levels and efficiency. Hunger is the main reason people are nervous and on edge and often get into conflict at the workplace. Skipping meals result in overeating later on. Furthermore, this results in gaining weight and losing self-confidence. Improve Your Mental Health at Work

From today on, never skip your lunch breaks. No matter how busy you are, your brain needs proper sources of energy to function properly. Give your body nutrients it craves by eating a healthy lunch. Chew slowly and enjoy every bite. To truly enjoy your lunch breaks, do not eat at your desk. Step away from your desk and go to the office dining room. This is also a chance to socialize because someone else might be having their lunch, too.

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Have an active break

An active break is good for your body because it cancels the negative effects of sitting. Squeezing a workout in your day might be just what your body needs. If your fitness studio is not near the office, you can stretch in your office. Make sure to do some standing stretches for the best results. If you do want to have a proper workout, but don’t want to leave the office – try some stairs. Improve Your Mental Health at Work

Walk from your floor all the way up. Then, take the stairs to the first floor. Take a 2-minute break and then return to your office floor. This is also a great networking activity and can easily become an office challenge for everyone. The one who is the fastest receives a protein bar at the end. Follow the link Share my story

Freshen up your views by stepping outside

Spending your break outside will take some pressure off your eyes and give you an opportunity to stay active. If you truly wish to experience the calming effects of nature, take a walk to the nearest park. To truly disconnect and enjoy the fresh air, disconnect from your phone, too. Texting is not allowed and phone calls are prohibited. Walking in nature will reduce tension and improve your mood. Enthusiastic and content workers get more work done than those that are not.

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Spend some time in the office break room

Many offices pay attention to the wellbeing of their employees because stress is a real thing. The main idea behind these office break rooms is to create a place where employees can relax, recharge, play a game, use a corporate massage chair or chat with a fellow worker. Inada Massage Chairs offer the best stress relief and provide immediate results. A quick massage chair session can boost energy and cognitive skills so employees will be more efficient.

You can even meditate for a while after having a massage. This will further destress your day and recharge your batteries. If your workplace offers some of these options, move away from your desk and step into an oasis of calm, aka the office room. 

Read something that is not work-related

Reading can improve our focus, reduce stress, boost our cognitive skills and spark our imagination. It also stimulates our brain in a way that is different from decision making, stressing and problem-solving. Use your break to get lost in an inspiring book. You can also start a book reading club with your team so you can have stimulating book discussion once a month. Whatever you choose to read, make sure it is not related to your work in any way. Reading for at least 15 minutes will remove pressure and relax your brain.

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Have a power nap

Even though it sounds a bit unusual, you should take naps at your work. Sometimes you need a gentle push in the right direction to solve a nagging problem. A power nap can give you that boost of energy. Even the tiniest midday nap lasting ten minutes can increase your energy levels for the next four hours.

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Workplace values efficient employees. If a nap makes you more efficient, you should take one during your official break. Fatigue, lack of energy, broken focus can all be improved with a ten-minute nap.

After you’re done with your nap, brew some herbal tea, preferably black or green tea to further improve your focus. These amazing office breaks can benefit everyone – the employees, the management and the whole corporation. Mental health and wellbeing are important, so make a decision to never skip your break again. Improve Your Mental Health at Work

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