7 Pieces of Technology Every Startup Needs - Writers Evoke

7 Pieces of Technology Every Startup Needs

Technology Every Startup Needs

Technology Every Startup Needs

We’re becoming more and more dependent on technology. Individuals may get away without the latest tech, but small and large companies cannot. Thanks to technology, businesses can now automate tasks that previously had to be performed manually. If you’re running a startup, this is something you simply have to keep in mind. In fact, it’s a good idea to start investing in tech right away. Listed below are seven pieces of technology every startup needs.

Cloud of computing

The days of storing data in our PCs are over. It’s much safer for businesses to upload everything to the cloud. Not only that the environment on the cloud is perfectly safe, but storing data on the web helps startups save money. Just think about it, instead of wasting money on expensive and bulky hardware, you can now keep everything on the cloud. Gmail and Dropbox are typical examples of how storing data online works. The best part of it is that they give small startups a chance to use the same tech industry leaders use. According to reports, three out of four entrepreneurs want to start using the cloud in the future.

Accounting software

Let’s face it, dealing with accounting can be tough. Luckily, there’s software that can get all the work done for you while you focus on your core operations. This software is nothing new, and startups have been using it for quite some time. Still, it’s important to understand that the use of this software can help you take your startup to the next level. Apart from saving you time, small business accounting software offers improved accuracy and security. This means you’ll never again have to worry about getting something wrong. Also, using accounting software makes it easier to track your books and have a clear idea of where your business is standing.

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New mobile phone plans

Even with how much modern work takes place online, having a work mobile phone is still a must. One of the most important things to keep in mind when getting phones for your employees is compatibility. Having everyone in the company have access to the same software and features is a great idea. Another key thing to do is to choose the same mobile phone plan for every team member. Take a look at some of the best mobile phone plans and choose the one that suits your company’s needs and budget. This can help save money and ensure everyone stays connected at all times.

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Credit card processing software

This one’s a no-brainer. Cash is becoming less and less popular, and it looks like credit cards and digital currencies will replace it completely. This is why every modern startup needs credit card processing software. These systems have been designed carefully, and they offer unmatched security and swiftness. Another reason why you cannot operate without it is that credit card processing software enables online sales. The way people shop has evolved, and more and more people decide to shop on the web. Recent studies have shown that businesses that enable credit card payments record a significant increase in sales. The last thing you want to happen is to be left behind.

HR software

Another type of software your startup can use is HR Software. It makes workforce management much easier and gives you a better insight into your team. Using this software is a great way to maximize your employee productivity and gain a competitive edge. Not to mention that when you rely on technology, there’s less risk of duplication and errors. When starting out, you may get away without using HR software. However, once you start expanding your team, having technology deal with HR for you becomes a must.

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Email marketing software

Some believe that email is a bit outdated but they couldn’t be more wrong. Everyone checks their email on a daily basis, and it’s one of the best ways to approach your customers. With the use of technology, email marketing can become even more effective. If you start using an email marketing system, you can send your customers personalized emails. This type of email is more effective and can help you build long-lasting relationships with your customers. Also, if you decide to invest in email, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t buy extensive mailing lists from mailing list brokers. Combine this with a good email marketing software and you’ll have nothing to worry about.


Not so long ago, drones weren’t that high on the must-have scale for startups. However, times are changing, and every business could use having one of these little devices. There are countless opportunities for using a drone to give your startup a boost. First of all, you can record marketing material from an entirely new perspective and lure people to your business. Secondly, if you take part in any local events, you can record everything and post it on social media for your customers. In case you’re in the construction industry, you can even use it to keep an eye on the site.

The bottom line

Keep in mind that the list of technologies businesses could add to their arsenal is endless. Therefore, there’s no point in limiting yourself to a number of technologies you use. However, the seven techs covered in this post may be exactly what you need to take your startup to the next level. Keep pace with technology and always keep an eye for new gadgets and gizmos to invest in.

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