7 Key Benefits of Network Monitoring - Writers Evoke

7 Key Benefits of Network Monitoring

Modern businesses have to survive with a functional and high-performing network. The network at your enterprise should perform at optimum levels.

If it does not, it will not satisfy the client and user demands. Besides helping users, you need to monitor your security to avoid security breaches.

There are many things connected to the internet these days. Employees are working from home and the need for network monitoring increases because more devices will be accessing a company.

It is advisable to incorporate network monitoring in your business for various reasons, and below are some.

1. Reducing Downtime

Downtime is not only expensive but also a productivity killer. According to a recent survey, enterprise companies say that an hour of downtime translates to a cost of between $1 million and $5 million.

Monitoring the network helps in preventing unprecedented outages. Network monitoring involves identifying warning signs that indicate a network problem or device failure. This feature allows you to prevent downtime from occurring and in identifying the problem.

In addition to preventing downtime, network monitoring also allows IT teams to optimize performance for more efficient operations. Sevone.com understands that downtime is a minus for most businesses and offers network monitoring solutions to prevent this.

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2. Capacity Planning

Users have evolving needs. These evolving needs make it hard to predict where and how users will consume network resources in the future. The increase of utilization should see the kick-off of planning for additional infrastructure and capacity to meet the demands.

By actively monitoring and tracking performance and utilization, you will see where the utilization spikes. Benchmarking the current version simultaneously helps you anticipate future capacity and upgrade the network accurately.

When budgeting, historical data can also make a case for future investments. If you come up with evidence that the performance or network is lagging down due to an increase in utilization, you will find it easy to convince the executive to upgrade the systems.

3. Managing Changing and Growing Networks

The rise of connected devices and technological innovation has seen the IT environments growing in size. There are many internet-connected things like internet-enabled sensors, cloud technologies and wireless devices, among others.

All this equipment has to be always monitored to be alert on suspicious activity and major fluctuations. Also, networks are becoming more complex.

Regardless of whether you are dealing with IPv6 transitions or cloud migrations, you need reliable and flexible tools to help in monitoring your IP. The tools should also ensure a smooth performance even if a change occurs.

4. Manage Client Network Usage Confidently

Nowadays, most businesses allow office workers and other employees to access the internet even when carrying out different tasks. If your business is one of these, you need to monitor your network at all times.

This way, you will easily pinpoint employees abusing the system or using confidential information for personal purposes. The interface found on network monitoring is also the best that you could ever give your clients whenever they ask for data integrity and backup.

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The IT consultants could opt to use other ways to monitor the network, but a business will be more successful when the monitoring tools are at the disposal of other employees.

5. Better Decisions on Scaling

If your network monitoring solution monitors almost everything, it will serve you even when your infrastructure evolves, and new technologies and vendors join the team. If a monitoring solution is vendor agnostic, it will monitor everything changed or added to the network.

With clearer visibility of your network data, you will make more informed decisions regarding scalability and platform choices. Decisions you could make could be dealing with how your employees work or their efficiency.

The data will help you determine if increased traffic is bogging the servers down and whether more are needed. You could also gather more information on the network parts that need replacement or need to be maximized.

By making better decisions for your business, you will be supporting organizational strategies and driving a better chance for all the stakeholders.

6. Saves Time

Network monitoring makes you informed of how your network is faring on. This serves you an enormous amount of time since you won’t have to hunt and peck for information whenever an issue arises.

By monitoring your network, you can receive alerts for failing and slowing components, poor connections, and overloaded servers. A network monitoring solution gives you the chance to monitor everything on one platform, even in different locations and different vendors.

With the single view, you do not have to log in to disparate platforms to monitor particular issues. Instead, you can access everything in one place and save time.

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7. Enhanced Growth Potential

No business wants to stagnate. But since technology evolves much faster, business owners have to try and catch up. There are nearly 25 billion pieces of hardware that fall under the Internet of Things, IoT.

IoT refers to devices that connect and report to one another. This means they make analytics smarter and processes automated. This shows how fast networking is evolving.

To keep up with speed, businesses need monitoring solutions. The increasing demand tags along with increasing complexity in the network. Many assume that manual management leads to human error. But, this does not happen at all times.

Human error is responsible for 75% of downtime. If you have network problems combined with this, you need to automate your monitoring solutions. To keep up with the pace of the evolving demand, you have to equip yourself to handle advanced networking.

As a result, you will end up with more efficient and easier growth, which will allow you to compete in the ever-evolving world.

Network Monitoring for Successful Businesses

Regardless of the shape or size of your business, you have to be careful. You should adopt an effective monitoring solution for all the reasons discussed above; else, you will be leaving your revenue and team at the mercy of your technology.

Automated network monitoring will free up human hours, reduce costs and prioritize uptime, among other things. Network devices can be hard to take care of, so you may want to use a service that can track them.

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