Explore the largest castle in the world with a Malbork Castle Tour - Writers Evoke

Explore the largest castle in the world with a Malbork Castle Tour

malbork castle tour

Looking for something truly spectacular to see on your holiday in Poland? If you’re anywhere near the Tri-City area, which constitutes the cities of Gdansk, Gdynia, and Sopot, a one-day Malbork Castle Tour might be just what you’re after. The castle itself is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is considered to be the largest castle in the world to this day.

The castle dates over 700 years to the 13th century, when it was built by the Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem, more commonly known as Teutonic Knights. During a three-hour-long tour, you’ll be able to explore all 4 parts of the castle, along with its many gardens, bridges, terraces, and even dungeons.

Malbork Castle Tour – a perfect excursion from Gdansk

If you’re staying in Gdansk, the Malbork Castle is located only a short distance away – it’d be a shame to waste the opportunity to see with your own eyes such a marvel of architecture. While the castle was built in the 13th century, it changed hands several times throughout history, mostly being captured by Poland and Germany back and forth.

World War II, unfortunately, caused the destruction of more than 50% of the castle. After the war, the castle was the location of a major restoration project and made its way onto the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list. A regular Malbork Castle Tour lasts around 3.5 hours of walking, so make sure to bring your comfy shoes. There will be a lot of walking, as the castle is very extensive.

As you start the tour, you will enter through the main entrance gate into the lower castle area. You can see the remnants of the original fortifications, visibly separated from the restored parts. As you move through the lower castle, you’ll make your way onto a vast courtyard – here you’ll find many medieval-style gift shops and restaurants. In the Summer, you can also book archery lessons here, where you can learn how to shoot a bow and a crossbow.

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Discover the beauty of the Malbork Castle with MrShuttle

MrShuttle offers a direct transfer from your place of stay to Malbork Castle and back. We employ only professional drivers and guides, all of whom speak English proficiently. Come and explore all the 140,000 square meters of the castle with us, and discover the unique flair of Teutonic Knights’ castles. With MrShuttle, you don’t have to worry about transportation and tickets – we’ll take care of everything! 

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