6 Reasons Why Hammocks Are Better Than Beds - Writers Evoke

6 Reasons Why Hammocks Are Better Than Beds

Hammocks Are Better Than Beds

Maybe you’re already familiar with the fact that hammocks help people fall asleep more quickly and they offer a deeper sleep, according to research. But what else have you heard about them? Here’s another interesting fact – they date back some thousand years to Central America. Crafted by the Maya and other indigenous peoples, these suspended beds were made out of tree bark or plant fibers and they prevented contact with the dirty ground as well as offered protection from snakes, rodents and other potentially dangerous creatures. Nowadays, some claim that hammocks are even better than beds! Here is a list of reasons why. Hammocks Are Better Than Beds

Ideal sleeping position

A hammock does a remarkable thing – it naturally moves you into the ideal sleeping position! The best thing is that it keeps you like that. It functions as a memory foam bed. You won’t be able to roll to your side or your stomach, which only hurts your back. And what’s ideal for sleeping restfully, your head will be slightly elevated above your body.

Zero-pressure point rest

If this is your first time hearing the expression zero-pressure point system, you’ll get to learn that it means that there are no specific contact points between the sleep surface and your body. It’s different from a hard surface, where a body’s forced to conform to the surface. A hammock conforms to your body instead, so there’s equal pressure throughout your body rather than creating pressure in specific areas.

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Swaying is good for your brain

Everyone can relax from swaying, for it’s quite a soothing action. We know that babies fall asleep faster if someone sways them back and forth. Yet, what you might not know is that this action impacts our brain waves in a very good way, making us rest. It’s great for those who feel like they’re under a lot of stress because this can make them less tense and anxious. 

No more insomnia 

Insomnia’s real torture, which can cause a lot of physical and psychological issues. Those who have experience with it know how dreadful it can be. Insomnia can be cured with or without the help of medication, and one of the things that help for sure is a good hammock. 

A form of therapy for autism

To achieve correct brain function, autistic people need a lot of motion. When they try to concentrate or think, rocking or making repetitive motions helps them. A hammock is helpful because it increases the level of concentration. The swaying of a hammock gives them the kind of stimulation for the senses that they need.

They are easily transportable

Hammocks are very easy to transfer, so they can accompany you wherever you go, and it feels like home. This is great for campers, who enjoy spending a lot of time in nature, but still like comfort. However, there’s one small disadvantage to mention – when the nights are cold and freezing, you’ll need to bring some extra equipment, such as a camping sleeping bag. It’s of great significance during colder periods of the year, so unless you want to feel chilly, it’s a must addition for your adventures!

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