How Much Does It Cost To Develop An Application? - Writersevoke
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How Much Does It Cost To Develop An Application?

cost to develop an application
Cost To Develop An Application

As a small guide to the question of the cost to develop an application, we have below the severity and scope of tasks for apps divided into 4 levels and provided with prices from our experience of over 3800 mediated app projects.

The basic consideration is always whether a native app is needed, or whether a WebApp can fulfill the same purpose at a cheaper price. The following prices refer to native apps for programming for one operating system (iOS, Android, Windows Phone). For the cost of a web app, we’re just talking about optimizing for a smartphone resolution without creating your own layout for desktop resolutions.

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What Cost Apps For Different Operating Systems?

The price differences in the development of different operating systems have become marginalized in the meantime. While there was a demand surplus for iOS App Development Services in the early days and thus a generous room for negotiation for developers, the price structure between the two major operating systems iOS and Android has now leveled out.

Due to the faster advancing diversification of Android devices, in particular, a greater variety of formats and resolutions, and the fact that the operating system has now surpassed iOS in terms of Engerätebasis, prices for Android apps are now even higher than for iOS apps.

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Again, Windows Phone apps are 10-20% cheaper than Android apps. Our subsequent price is an average.

If an app is ordered for several operating systems, additional costs of approximately 50% – 90% must be expected for each additional operating system, depending on how extensive the conception is in relation to the pure programming effort.

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Cost Of An App According To Exemplary Requirements

To give a very rough classification of the expected costs for app development, we have divided the typical functionalities of apps into four price categories. Please note in the price information that no costs for design or other special customer requirements are taken into account. 

Native app = 1 operating system.

Example Application – 1

  • A handful of products or links represent
  • Start basic function (slide show, play video, etc.)
  • Simple information apps for the processed data to be delivered

Native App cost: 25000
Web App cost: 15000

Example Application – 2

  • Simple geotargeting with map display
  • Product catalog with filters
  • Photo app with simple image editing
  • Calculation app with an input mask, calculation function, output
  • Web query and data display according to customer input.

Native App cost: 40000 to 60000
Web App cost: 30000 to 40000

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Example Application – 3

  • Shopping App with product catalog, shopping cart, transfer of data to existing eCommerce website
  • Editorial and news app with connection to the content management system, reloaded data & push messages
  • Info app for which services can be purchased in the app (In-App Purchase) or displayed in the ad by an AdServer (In-App Advertising)
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Native App cost: 70000 to 120000
Web App cost: 60000 to 90000

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Example Application – 4

  • Complete Shop App with product catalog, shopping cart, order processing, reminders
  • Community app with forums, notification system, media integration, rights management
  • more complex game apps
  • Interface programming/data exchange via Bluetooth and further processing

Native App cost: 150000 to ??? ( Depends on the requirement)
Web App cost: 80000 to ??? ( Depends on the requirement)

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What can native apps do, what web apps cannot do?

When comparing costs, it first becomes apparent that there is a significant difference between the cost of native apps and the cost of web apps. In addition, it seems that web apps can do anything; So why native apps?

In a nutshell, a native app is a right choice for very hardware-related or compute-intensive apps, as well as those designed to drive sales through sales in the App Store. In all other cases, web apps not only have cost advantages but also better accessibility through search engine discoverability and much better ways to update the app.

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Learn more about the benefits of web apps compared to native apps.

Additional cost factors in the app development

As an informed client, you can, on the one hand, provide services that help to save costs. On the other hand, you should know and formulate your requirements as accurately as possible to get exactly the quality you need, but not pay for services that unnecessarily drive up costs.

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Consider the following considerations when thinking about programming an app or negotiating the cost to develop an application.

  • Wireframes: A lot of time and nerve is usually lost at the beginning of a project because it is unclear how the app should be structured exactly. We, therefore, recommend that you make the most precise possible specifications, ideally with so-called “wireframes”, which are very simple screens that describe menus and the structure of the app.

    Use an app like Blueprint, with which you can not only design the app but also submit it to your app developer. The trouble for the wireframes is paid in the price negotiation with the developer tens of times.
  • Costs for image editing: if you want to show a lot of images in the app, this will quickly lead to high additional costs. Due to the different resolutions, the graphics usually have to be saved in several versions. Arrange with your developer the “App-ready” delivery of all graphics, if you have the capacity to do so.
  • Cost of App Testing: You can negotiate the price if you are willing to limit app testing to specific operating systems and devices. Is it of critical importance that the app is perfect on all imaginable devices, or is 80% market coverage sufficient? The cost difference is significant.
  • Cost of uploading the app: Setting an app in an Appstore is more complicated than the layman thinks. Especially for iOS apps, you have to go through a lot of steps until the app is “in”. A daily rate is not uncommon for uploading to the App Store – also because it usually comes with some advice on marketing, opportunities, updates, etc.

Also, find why reasons google play and app store block applications.

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Mounika Devi

Mounika Devi Naidu is a digital marketing executive with a handful of experience in reaching the stars with her innovative tactics. She has a flair for presentation, a knack for social media and a way for digital marketing. Succeeded in online advertising campaigns that produced tremendous media buzz and built an influential online reputation for many substantial brands. Always up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in online marketing. She also crafts top-notch content that comes within her to solve the queries and assists the brands to scale up. Her blogging skills are just banged on to enthusiastic digital marketing learners.

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