The Guide to Living Longer and Staying Young

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Acknowledging the good that is already in your life according to you is the foundation for all the abundance, which results in a situation where you want to give it all, for which you want to survive or maybe wish to live longer. The book Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Healthy Life by Hector Gracia explores how feelings of discontent, worry, anxiety, depression, and despair can make you grow old faster and lessen the years of your life.
FLOW to Block Out Stress
Mihalu Csikszentmihalyi, a psychologist coined a technical term in the 1970s-FLOW. It describes a state of enjoyment and concentration so deep it blocks out all other concerns, even time itself. When you have enjoyment in life you seek longevity, the sense of engagement in life increases your lifespan.
The Japanese word “ikigai” means sense of purpose with deep happiness. Everyone is destined to fulfill the ikigai of their life and if your main occupation comprises it then one can produce a flow. There are some bits of advice from the Okinawan centenarians-
“Constant stimulation keeps you young’
Old people advise to greet everyone happily and worry less, which will maintain a large number of healthy relationships and bonds in life throughout. By worrying a lot nothing will change but will waste your positive energy. Centenarians earnestly advise appreciating every little thing which you possess in your life. Observing every little thing can turn out with the fact that you have a lot more than you expected which will give you happiness and motivation to live long. Okinawan Centenarians believe that the reason behind their long life is also because of their food which they grow in their garden.
Develop a healthy lifestyle
“A garden-to-table diet is very healthy”
The Okinawan diet consists of 206 different foods and their mean looks like a rainbow enriched with high fiber, sixty percent less sugar, and fifty percent less salt. They relatively have healthy global standards. Also, they encourage the small portion size of the meal for calorie reduction. The level of a protein called insulin-like growth factor 1 should be limited by eating lesser calories as its existence makes the body and its cell grow faster making the human body grow older faster than in general.In light of this, the book Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Healthy Life explains how eating less or eighty percent of the hunger satisfaction corresponds directly to a longer life and a younger self. A long, happy, and healthy life, on the other hand, is dependent on an individual’s lifestyle and standard of living.
Wabi-Sabi – Imperfect, Impermanent, and Incomplete
“By finding a purpose that drives you every day, you can focus your energy and extent your years on earth”
Adopt the Japanese concept of “wabi-sabi” which helps you to find more enjoyment in your regular life. Accept all the flaws by understanding that imperfections are part of everyone’s life which everyone has to let go to live happily and be successful.
Finally, Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Healthy Life provides lessons on appreciating the small things in life. Having the right people in your life while maintaining a healthy diet makes all the difference.
Age is only a number, right? However, people want to stay young forever. Therefore, to achieve that goal of being young, people start trying out crazy diets, surgery, or even botox. Instead of these high-investing & risky ideas, one can look youthful easily by just drinking fresh fruit and veggie juices and maintain a healthy balanced diet. Ageing is basically a natural process, and of course, stopping it is impossible. However, you can try slowing down the effects in your body of aging soon by making fresh juices with the help of the best cold press juicer. There are many different fruits/veggies available that help to slow down ageing. Besides that, using cold press juicers is highly simple to make healthy homemade juices and fresh up your daily diet to stay young forever.