The Importance of a Cardiologist In One’s Life!
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Importance of a Cardiologist
Who is a cardiologist?

It is a profession of a doctor who specializes in the treatment of heart diseases. They deal with various problems of the cardiovascular system like angioplasty, heart catheterizations etc. However, they cannot perform surgeries. If one faces problems with their heart, they might first visit a doctor who then suggests a cardiologist for further procedures. One might have to go to a cardiac surgeon who is different from a cardiologist. One can find a professional cardiologist in Sydney who can perform tests that will help people.
A cardiac surgeon performs surgeries related to the chest and the heart. A cardiologist in Sydney might suggest a cardiac surgeon if the patient requires surgery. A full examination with the help of different procedures is taken by the cardiologist to determine the results.
What are the different problems with the heart?
A human being might go through heart problems throughout their life, either mild or severe. One must consult a cardiologist, which will be beneficial for the patients.
A cardiologist plays an important role in one’s life. A cardiologist comes into action when the test deals with ultrasound waves and recording of the heart activity. In recent years, the need for a cardiologist has increased in a lot of countries. The scope of cardiology can be divided into three categories:
- Non-invasive: this type of surgery deals without the use of needles or sharp objects. It is divided into further categories, which include heart monitors, which deal with the recording of the activity of the heart. Another type of non-invasive procedure includes nuclear cardiology, which deals with imaging using various radioactive elements. A CT scan produces images that help the doctor examine heart diseases. Stress tests involve certain exercises that will help the cardiologist estimate the performance of the heart.
- Invasive: These procedures deal with sharp objects such as needles. The invasive procedures treat abnormalities with the structure of the heart. It is categorized into two procedures which include stenting, which deals with a stent of a metal coil that helps keep a clogged vein open. Angioplasty prevents plaque from restricting the easy blood flow through the arteries.
- Interventional: it is a non-surgical procedure. A tube fixes various problems in the heart. The different categories in this procedure include heart valve disease occurs when the valves do not work properly. Peripheral vascular disease occurs when other veins and arteries in the body affect the working of the heart.
Few of the tests that are performed by a cardiologist include:
- Electrocardiogram: it is popularly known as ECG, which shows rhythms that are abnormal and shows muscles that might be damaged.
- Transthoracic echogram: it is also called TTE or an echo that evaluates the chambers of the heart and shows the levels of pumping.
- Positron emission tomography: it is also called PET scan, helps the cardiologist detect the flow of blood to the heart muscles by way of the coronary arteries. It is a nuclear scan.
Most cardiologists suggest exercise for the better functioning of the heart. The exercises must be performed regularly to prevent heart problems.
Where can one find a professional cardiologist?
One can find senior cardiologists in hospitals who can help one with heart diseases by using various procedures. Cardiologists perform procedures that are not related to surgeries. If one is facing any problem with their heart, they must immediately consult a good cardiologist. There are around 102,805 doctors in Sydney, and a lot of doctors among them have a specialization in cardiology. A professional cardiologist in Sydney is Dr Ajita Kanthan, who is a cardiologist, pacemaker surgeon, an electrophysiologist. He is the first and the only doctor who performs radiation-free transvenous pacemaker implant in Australia. He is a trusted doctor and performs various surgeries.