5 Key Trends for the Future of Healthcare - Writers Evoke

5 Key Trends for the Future of Healthcare

Future of Healthcare

Future of Healthcare

With technological advancements of modern society also come new upgrades in the medical world. The healthcare goes hand in hand with tech as the development in one sphere considerably affects the development in the other. As such, we can already see the glimpses and expect completely new trends for the future of healthcare that promise more efficiency when it comes to the treatment of various ailments together with more comprehensive recovery time and less invasive procedures. That said, the following healthcare trends are bound to make some positive changes across the globe.

1. Gene Therapy

An amazing healthcare innovation revolves around the so-called gene therapy. Essentially, the whole concept is based on the possibility to target a patient’s genes that are dysfunctional for whatever reason or completely missing. The problematic gene in the DNA would then be replaced with one that works properly.

The entire process is rather straightforward but more research and work are needed in order to truly make this trend an effective cure. After all, gene edits can largely affect one’s immune system and it takes time to perfect the entire procedure in order to ensure that the patient’s cells accept the new protein-producing gene. Hopefully, this is something we’ll get to see in the near future.

2. Personalized Medicine

As the name suggests, personalized medicine is completely tailored to the patient’s individual needs. Furthermore, genetic testing is performed in order to establish the patient’s genetic makeup, thus allowing the healthcare professionals to devise the most ideal treatment for the patient in question. As such, this particular trend is moving away from the “one size fits all” approach when it comes to meds and typical procedures. Instead, the whole point is to customize the treatment for the individual.

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That said, autoimmune disease as well as very serious conditions such as cancer could be treated more efficiently. With a complete insight into the patient’s genetic makeup, doctors can clearly assess what kind of solution would end up working the best for the said individual.

3. Less Invasive Procedures

While it’s true that we’re still far away from completely avoiding surgeries, the trends for the future of healthcare are very promising as there are plenty of less invasive alternatives for a range of different conditions. The use of laser technology allows healthcare professionals to tackle different problems without taking the patient to surgery.

For instance, patients who suffer from urinary incontinence, anthropic vaginitis, and/or dyspareunia can benefit a lot from laser therapy. That said, the procedure of vaginal rejuvenation in Broward county is already making a huge difference, and the trend is only expected to spread. Hopefully, the power of laser therapy will find its way to help with a range of different ailments in order to gradually diminish the need to “go under the knife”. Most importantly, the recovery process is faster and less painful.

4. Artificial Intelligence

The power of digital technology is definitely the biggest trend for the future of healthcare. For starters, the use of AI can be extremely helpful when it comes to the careful analysis of the relationships between the patient’s symptoms and biological mechanisms. This can improve the accuracy of diagnosis considerably. Some people worry about AI taking over the human factor in medicine, but that can’t possibly be an issue as the effectiveness of AI strongly depends on the human knowledge needed to operate it successfully.

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Furthermore, digital technologies such as virtual reality can make a huge difference in the overall training of the medical staff. With VR, medical professionals can gain much-needed experience as if it happens in real-life situations. What’s more, VR can considerably upgrade the process of rehabilitation and recovery for the patients.

5. 3-D Printing

The whole world has already heard about 3-D printing technology but its true value lies in the possibilities to improve healthcare. The concept has been put to good use when it comes to the production of prosthetics. 3-D printed prosthetics tend to be a lot more flexible and customized to the patient, which allows for more mobility and considerably less pain. Furthermore, 3-D printing of pill shells that hold a range of different drugs for patients who might need to take several different meds is making the whole process easier to track.

The trend for the future of healthcare in regard to 3-D printing revolves around the possibility to print artificial organs. There are still more research and work necessary to perfect this procedure as it requires the use of blood and natural tissue but it’s only a matter of time before we reach that point.

With all the technological advancements and key trends in the world of healthcare, the future is looking bright. It’s amazing what kind of upgrades and innovations we can witness being developed right in front of our eyes over the course of just a couple of years. Hopefully, we’ll continue to be amazed. 

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