4 Uncontrollable Symptoms of Falling in Love With Someone Else - Writers Evoke

4 Uncontrollable Symptoms of Falling in Love With Someone Else

Symptoms of Falling in Love
Symptoms of Falling in Love

Some symptoms of falling in love are controllable. For instance, you might start to feel more affectionate and touchy-feely toward the person with whom you’re infatuated. You may also find yourself thinking about him or her constantly or coming up with excuses to see them again as soon as possible.

In other cases, symptoms of falling in love are not controllable at all.

Your heart rate quickens when he or she walks into the room. You can’t sleep because the thoughts of this person keep interrupting your dreams. A part of your body feels like it’s on fire every time they touch it.

What symptoms have been affecting you? Read on for a full list.

1. Increased Heartbeat

You feel like your heart is about to beat out of your chest. Your heartbeat quickens when you see this person or even think about him or her, and it doesn’t slow down until they walk away again.

When love takes over someone’s body, their heartbeat speeds up so much that sometimes it feels like it’s going to explode. Their face turns red at the slightest mention of their partner’s name, and people around them might notice how fast their pulse gets too.

2. Sleepless Nights

You can’t stop thinking about your partner, even when you know it will make you sad and exhausted. You go to bed with thoughts of him or her in your mind and wake up the same way. When this person leaves your sight, no matter where they are going or why they have to leave, you feel restless until their return.

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The symptoms of falling in love include sleepless nights because people who’re infatuated find it hard to focus on anything but their sweetheart’s face. They tend to toss around for hours before finally getting out of bed, feeling tired yet satisfied at the same time.

3. Emotional Instability and Elevated Body Temperature

You feel extremely hot even though you’re not running a fever. Your body temperature reaches its highest point when your sweetheart walks into the room. And it doesn’t go back to normal until they leave again, either physically or just from your mind’s eye.

People who’re romantically involved tend to sweat whenever their lover comes near them. And it happens whether that be during an encounter or simply hugging after work.

4. Possessive Feelings: Loss of Appetite

You can’t eat a thing because your mind is occupied with this person. You go to dinner thinking about him or her, and the food in front of you becomes unappealing even though it smells great. It’s hard to concentrate on anything other than his or her face when they’re gone too.

People who are falling for someone tend to experience this mostly when their love interest is around them. They might be able to force down something small but would rather do without until they see their sweetheart again.

Do all these symptoms qualify for limerence? Let’s define limerence for you here.

Love vs Lust: Uncontrollable Symptoms of Falling in Love?

Symptoms of falling in love can be very intense and may even appear out of nowhere. While some symptoms are controllable, at least to a certain degree, other symptoms like elevated body temperature cannot be suppressed for long. However, the intensity might temper over time.

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