Different types of best friends You have ! Which one are you? - Writers Evoke

Different types of best friends You have ! Which one are you?

Our friends, especially best friends, share a connection with us that transcends blood relationships. We bank on them to stand by us in thick and thin. They are the part of our happiest memories and are the shoulder we cry on in our saddest times. From those hour-long road trips to that 3 A.M drive to get some ice cream, the imprints of our friends are everywhere. They are such a crucial part of our lives that we can’t imagine a world without them, even though we like to pretend we don’t care.

In fact, the bond of friendship is so unique that you will never find two pairs of best friends behaving the same. You will find some friends to be adventure-seekers while the others to be complete introverts. However, even with all these distinct differences, what remains the same is the care they have for each other. One more thing that remains universal about friendships, no matter where we go, is how less we show appreciation to our friends. There is so much that we take for granted in life, including our friends. So, whenever an occasion like Friendship Day pops up, it makes sense to go out of our way and buy Friendship Day gifts online or from a store for our close friends. After all, showing warmth to our friends doesn’t hurt once in a while.

With friendship day inching closer, we present to you a list of different types of best friends we see all around. Keep reading if you want to find the kind of dynamic you share with your best friend.

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Different types of best friends

The Protector

You or your best friend fall under this category if protecting your friend is an instinct. The friends deemed as ‘the protector’ are the first people you go to in case of any trouble. They have cleaned your mess many times, be it a petty school fight or standing up to the professor for your grades. They give you a sense of security and fight for you even when you lay down your weapons.

The Communicator

They are that friend in the relationship that believes in talking out things while you are more prone to throwing tantrums. They have a calm vibe, and nothing seems to faze them. Every fight you have with them seems like a one-man show while they are sitting in the corner waiting to have a good talk. The only life advice they give and follow is ‘ communication is key.’ And frankly, it just pisses you off sometimes.

The Dictator

If your best friend is a dictator, then the next few lines might hit a never for you. “They run the entire show. Their words are the ultimate truth. They are the ringmaster of this circus”- okay, that might be an exaggeration, but it does feel like that sometimes. If this is your best friend, then they like having things according to their liking, be it the choice of activity to do or the kind of cuisine to eat. And you don’t mind because you are the extremely chill and laid-back person in this friendship. In fact, you prefer things this way because you know your best friend cares for you and is there for you any day.

The Problem Solver

They are the ‘guru’ in your life, someone you go to for advice and solving life’s issues. Even though most of the time they don’t follow what they preach themselves or don’t have any experience in the said matter, somehow their words calm you down.

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The Awakener

Your best friend is ‘the awakener’ if they don’t sugarcoat anything. They have the sharp tongue and truthful comments that you fear. You don’t ever want to get a scolding from them because the truth hurts! Even when the whole world is hyping you up, your best friend gives you the needed dose of reality and keeps you grounded.

The Crybaby

Your best friend seems to be a magnet for shady and bad people, so they mostly end up with a broken heart. They are always crying about something as nothing seems to go as per their plan besides your friendship. You often find yourself soothing their emotions and making them feel better. However, the friendship you both share is beyond these minor hiccups.

Out of the above, which one do you relate to the most? Do you see the shadow of your own best friend in any of the friendship dynamics listed above? Irrespective of your answer, you must surely be reminded of your best friend by now and must be musing on the memories you share with them. So, why not make them feel extra special for once by buying them Friendship Day gifts online or from a store?

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